In context of Kashmir interdependence is compatible with composite - TopicsExpress


In context of Kashmir interdependence is compatible with composite Indian culture while on the other hand Independence(That is merely a territorial separation from India) may mean disconnecting commerce and investment. Job creation will become a new paradigm in landlocked Kashmir.Kashmir has had too much pride in areas that were never important to us like enduring frontier life and remaining static in the abyss of ideologies and too little pride in talent where we can excel.Azadi may bring new political system but it is not the political system that brings welfare,it is welfare models itself and not the Islamic system itself but rather the manner in which governance is exercised. Growth is the result of adaptability and shifting market conditions.We need to reassess our priorities,what is our priority? Is our priority developing sustainable cities? Which is a precursor for massive job creation that we desperately need.We have massive urban poverty.I can imagine how in few years our cities may transform into underserviced localities with weak infrastructure and dismal public utilities.Do we want to be confined to a small area of valley and circle aroundKashmir Nationalismand disconnect ourselves from regional and international open spaces.If we are to survive we need to seek new paradigm of survival that is beyond this self defeating idea of Azadi which has cost us generation.Our priority must be to create socially just ,non violent,environmentally sustainable,spiritually fulfilled seeing humanity as intrinsically connected with nature.We require a major change in human consciousness as sustainable survival of human race is dependent on new ways of thinking.In the context of our society there is a lack of major change.I believe we are yet to reach at a point of tremendous change and transformation and this can not happen untill our destiny is by few hands.They have tendency to dictate the course of a society by indulging in the dangerous habit of our age to think only in large numbers,mass organisations and mega deaths.Transition is occurring globally in a myriad of contexts from independence to interdependence,independence no longer guarantees security nor does it guarantee prosperity.In several decades some policy makers have attempted to create positive future in Kashmir by laying out new suggestions,new roadmaps but given the complicated nature of situation the costs ,benefits and outcomes have remained uncertain,this implies that real change must originate from the grassroots,by parents and their adolescent children.since our elders are perpetually punishing each other,this makes it more relevant that choice should be made by younger generation. The gaint hope for future places its thrust on the cumulative power of young people who instead of punishing each other have another choice to celebrate life through chain of mutual interdependence which can also be a common ground for our future aspirations. 3 minutes ago In context of Kashmir interdependence is compatible with composite Indian culture while on the other hand Independence(That is merely a territorial separation from India) may mean disconnecting commerce and investment. Job creation will become a new paradigm in landlocked Kashmir.Kashmir has had too much pride in areas that were never important to us like enduring frontier life and remaining static in the abyss of ideologies and too little pride in talent where we can excel.Azadi may bring new political system but it is not the political system that brings welfare,it is welfare models itself and not the Islamic system itself but rather the manner in which governance is exercised. Growth is the result of adaptability and shifting market conditions.We need to reassess our priorities,what is our priority? Is our priority developing sustainable cities? Which is a precursor for massive job creation that we desperately need.We have massive urban poverty.I can imagine how in few years our cities...
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:50:37 +0000

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