In continuety On the series discussions on leadership. Topic - TopicsExpress


In continuety On the series discussions on leadership. Topic no. 11, CONTEMPLATE, REFLECT, BE THOUGHTFUL AND CONSIDER THE THINGS YOU SEE AROUND YOU King solomon, a political leader of his day, wrote these scriptures (Ecclesiastes 4:1-8; 8:16, 17; 9:1). When you study these passages, you will notice the phrase and i consider, I applied my heart to wisdom. Do you consider yourself to be a real leader? It is time to start turning things over in your mind. Be a deep thinker. Consider the happenings around you. As you consider, you will receive revelations from God. That revelation will help you to be a better leader. Consider why some people are successful. Analyse why some people fail. Think about what makes others victorious. A true leader is a deep thinker. A book writer named Dag Heward once said in one of his books: I reflected on why certain people became disloyal. That is what motivated me to write a book on Loyalty and Disloyalty. As you ponder over many issues, you will receive revelation that will form the basis for teachings and judgment. The Brain Seller there was a story of a man who went into a store to buy some brains. There were four (4) different brains on sale. The sales- person was on hand to help the customer. The customer said: I would like to buy the best brains you have. The sales-person showed the customer what he had in store. He said: these are the brains from a nation that invented airplanes, rockets, and satellites. He continued, these next ones are from a nation that invented televisions, videos, telephones, radios and stereo systems. He went on, this third set of brains comes from a nation that has developed beautiful cities, roads, bridges, trains, airports, tunnels, etc. He then showed the fourth set of brains. He continued, this last set of brains are from a nation which has invented nothing and built nothing for itself. This nation even foreigners coming from outside to build roads and toilets. I see, he said, How much are they anyway? the salesman replied, the first three brains are affordable, but the fourth set of brains is very expensive. why is that, why should they be so expensive when they have not been used to accomplish anything? oh, that is simple, the salesman replied, those brains are fresh, unused and full of potential. Because they have not been used for anything, all the potential is still within. This unfortunate story tells us how important it is to use brains God has given us. No matter how spiritual you are, God still expects us to use our brains. A great leader is someone who contemplates, reflects, ponders and deliberates over issues. Thinking is not a non-spiritual activity. It is a God- given privilege. Every great leader uses this gift. Remain bless and Enjoy your day.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 06:12:45 +0000

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