In defense of Dr. Kayode Fayemi I have read quite a lot of - TopicsExpress


In defense of Dr. Kayode Fayemi I have read quite a lot of analysis from those who were directly and indirectly as well as those who knows next to nothing about happenings in the political climate of Ekiti in the last 4 years and in fact the last 7 years. In summary is can suffice to say the activities of the last 7 years climaxed on the 21st of June 2014 when the elections of the State was declared in the favour of Mr. Ayodele Fayose, Dr. Kayode Fayemi promptly and in a seemingly show of sportsmanship conceded defeat on one condition: i.e. that the result of the election was a true reflection of the will of the people of Ekiti State. A lot poured accolades on him for being a good sportsman, others like members of his party felt he was too quick to admit defeat and therefore, he became a pariah to them for they believed that there was still a silver lining somewhere that could be exploited to arrive at the normal way they know to get into the government house i.e. through the courts. Yet there was another another school of thought to whom yours truly belong that thought it was a game of the galleria knowing that he was yet to fully grasp the purport of the effect of the defeat on him and his party as well as the effect of the event on his partys fortune in the South West especially and at the national level at large. It was not surprising therefore when the photochromic theory came on board via the pen of a character who could not even describe what a polling booth looked like talk less of the nature of the photochromic ballot papers. On the other hand is the tirade of a known Bola Tinubu apologist, Segun Ayobolu who poured big grammar negatively on our dear governor for allowing the state slip from the strangulation of the APC and in the piece tried his best to portray Dr. Fayemi as a lone ranger who would not listen to the voice of the wizard of Bourdillon, he claimed in the article not so expressly though that Dr. Fayemi was a stubborn boy who would not come to Bourdilllon for directions on how to govern his state and also did his best to exhonorate the Lion of Bourdillon from the financial burden the State has been thrown into. Another of the subtle attack on our dear Governor that I read was from a friend who made it look like the fault was all Otunba Niyi Adebayo who refused any external assistance from Bourdillon in the selection of his team of cabinet members as wont in other APC states. To these two alegories from these apologists, I beg to disagree and to state categorically that though I do not know where and how Dr. Fayemi selected his team of cabinet members, it is absolutely untrue that Bourdillon had no hand in the selection process and my position in any case is why must he be bound by the rules of Bourdillon in the administration of the state, granted, Bourdillon secured the seat for him at a cost to Lagos State, but we all are aware that most of the capital of the state took flight in the last 4 years and where else do they land, Lagos of course and where it was being ferried beyond the shores of Nigeria, Lagos being the finacial capital of Nigeria still boast of being the distribution poit to other parts of the world. Lets even for the sake of argument say our money in Ekiti was not deposited in the Burdillon vaults, how about the various patronages gotten by the Bourdillon cronies in packages of contracts and so on, how about the juicy ticket handed over to Oyetunji Ojo, the favoured son of the soil related closely to Bourdillon, how about those contracts given to those lovely ladies that flocked Ekiti with those flowery notes from Lagos, who packaged the bond loans so far gotten by the State? In answering these questions, I dare say that I fully support Dr. Fayemi if it is true he did not accede to the herculean demands from Bourdillon. yes he may have lost, but his loss is not because he did not come to Bourdillon beccause Bourdillon came to him in full force, in face it is on record that BAT visited Ekiti publicly many times before the elections and on the eve of the elections he was present at the 3 mega rallies organized by the party for Dr. Fayemi, or how else does one measure the involvement of Bourdillon in the re election bid of Dr. Fayemi, otherwise, one would have thought the party would have indeed insisted on a change of candidate for the elections particularly when Opeyemi Bamidele showed himself a formidable alternative to Fayemi. Be that as it may, I stand to state categorically to defend Dr. Fayemi against all these external aggressors who claim to know us more than we know ourselves. On this note, it becomes pertinent to examine the not so new song of Dr. Fayemi that he did not concede defeat through that famous speech which cannot be termed a concession speech anymore since the author says he did not concede rather he has assured us that the last has not been heard of the elections. I honestly give kudos to Mr. Fayose for reading through the body language of Fayemi rather than the speech as a lot of people did by declaring that the the entire act of concession and invitation to visit and formation of a transition committee is a farce that ought not be taken seriously. Again in defense of Dr. Fayemi, yes he agreed he lost but he hung the admittance of the loss of the will of the people, now the question is how is the will of the people measured, is it by the courts? Unfortunately, yes that is the only way to measure the will of the people in this case. How I wish the elections could be re conducted using the option A4 system whereby people will just queue right behind their candidates of choice, then maybe Dr. Fayemi and his party will have rest of mind that no champion reign forever. Let me state here however that should the photochromic theory be a reality then I will first of all salute the hatchers of the plan and the be sourly disappointed in the system that produced such, but should the theory be wrong, I shall salute the idle mind that initiated it, congratulate the lawyers and experts that made money from the process and personallly see to the final chase out of the APC from the South west but in the meantime, my conclusion is that this theory is being propounded to try see to it that the Osun electorate do not get discouraged from the Ekiti experience hence the exercise which is likely to end up in futility. one of the tell tale signs of the futile efforts seem the category of the learned personnel representing the APC at the tribunal, going by its antecedents, the party would usually have hired and in fact be touting ivy league SANs as their representatives, this however is not meant to diminish my learned friends who have been seized of this particular case, I am confident they will do a good job of either showing the partisan folly they are made of or become the heroes of the event of June 21 2014. Indeed the last is yet to be heard of the June 21 Liberation movement in Ekiti State as we journey towards October 15th 2014 when the transition will be made to the new government or otherwise.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 10:08:06 +0000

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