In efforts to play along and get to know peeps better and to - TopicsExpress


In efforts to play along and get to know peeps better and to better explain myself, plus i liked a status of a friends so i got number 19 therefore i list 9 random facts about myself, if you like my status then i shall give you a number and so on and so forth i say hey why not? i was up discussing bill murray movies last night with someone i didnt know even liked them, The More You Know!!! hahaha 1. i have 9 tattoos and 11 piercings, all of my tattoos have special meaning to me and symbolize people or things that are important in my life it took me many years to come to the decision to ink my skin and i did so in the state of mind that ive been waiting since i was 12 the desire never left and i appreciate the work my friends have done on me. 2. i used to pretend i was in ireland by listening to theese irish music tapes from target when i was about 10-16 then upgraded to cds and read old irish folk tales and draw the knots etc i was slightly obsessed 3. i used to play pokemon non stop and collected a ton of cards i still have my holographic ones..... 4. my first pet was a cat named kit and i used to give him wet cat food every friday cuz even kitties need a friday goodie, i had him for a year then he died and we burried him, my brother and cousins dug him up six months later and chased me around with his corpse. needless to say i still love cats. i love all animals but yea 5. ive been taking pictures since i was 11 started with 110 film in canada. was awesome. 6. i was married to my bf when i was 16 we had rings and everything we still have yet too meet lol 7. i love the ocean, it resets my balance it refreshes my soul it captures my heart keeps it safe holds me in its polluted grasp and sets me soaring. 8. ive been in love many times but only in love with my best friend once i believe there are many types of love, the love you give when someone cant love themself, the love you give when you think you could make someone shine brighter by that love, the love you give when you just really want to love, the love you give when the other person loved you for your worst attributes and despite your thorny black exterior. and the love that you run with because you both wanna run. 9. when i was 15 i almost adopted and raised a friends baby that she was going to abort, i told her if she could do the pregnancy thing id take the baby, she went thru the pregnancy and about 8 months in decided she wanted to be a mom, i met her son a few years later and she was pregnant with another she just hugged me and cried im still so happy for her 10. i have a love for emotion that is pure, true whether it be pain, sadness or amazement, there are somethings i have done just to see that look on someones face that you know you have blown their mind in showing any kind of concern i absolutely revel in that look! 11. i like to adventure a lot , like a lot a lot, i used to go up to the sawtooths in my car and camp out alone i like solo trips a lot theres something about not knowing and knowing all at once. idk i love nature and will never stop! 12. i used to live in my car. it was legit. 13. i drove to missouri in 2009 to meet a guy i met on the internet when i was 16 i didnt die lost a friendship though due to emotional complications 14. i got married when i was 19 and ended that marriage in 09 he was very abusive. 15. ive met tons of famous people from Krist Novocelic, the bassist for Nirvana to pauly shore to jared leto, so far they all stink, however hanging out with the guys from Hawthorne Heights and shane from Silverstein will always be one of my favorite tales 16. ive been dressing up since i was idk 3? 17. ive never had my hair styled by a proffessional before. 18. i hate diamonds, my mother raised me to respect life so i was raised to know the truth about diamonds the greed and death they stand for as well as ivory and other natural things that have been corrupted by mankind. 19. i once spent three hours with a complete stranger collecting agates on agate beach in oregon when i was 15. i learned a lot from that man and i think everyone knows this about me, I Have NO STRANGER DANGER! but like we discussed a few weeks back, if i did would we be friends? lol DONE! now like it so i can give you a number and learn more about you!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 22:00:19 +0000

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