In enter the Psalm 46 Classroom this morning pulling a cart filled - TopicsExpress


In enter the Psalm 46 Classroom this morning pulling a cart filled with some Big rocks. The Master teacher smile and said, Child whats with all the Big Rocks? Now He knew because the Master teacher knows me and He knows whats in my heart. What an amazing Lord He is, The One who knows my name! Master I was reading in the Guide Book you have given me and others that is so Amazing. Your Word is so powerful and I thank you for giving us the Bible. Daddy, in Joshua chapter 4 you had general Joshua to have the leaders of the 12 tribes to bring rocks from the mist of the Jordan. They built a memorial out of these stones to remember how you back up the water of the Jordan river so your people could crossover. It was to remind them and generations to come of what you did for them - they served a God who does Wonders! Daddy, last year I stood on a bank and before me was a ragging river called cancer. On the other side was a land of growth. On the other side a land of milk and honey. Yet, I was so afraid and was so burden for my family. I did not know how to get to the other shore. Thats when the Dean Holy Spirit and Counselor enrolled me into the Psalm 46 course. I remember my first day of class, but most of all I remember you My Master Teacher, My Shepherd, My Refuge, My Healer, My Banner, My Champion, but Most of all My Daddy! Tears now were running down my cheeks. Daddy, you parted the River called Stage 4 Non-Hoskins Lymphoma and by faith I step in and watch you do Wonders - You made away! So with these stones I am going to build a memorial to you The One True Mighty God! To remind me and all who see it of what Wonders You - My Daddy have done and what you are still doing in the life of your child, Steve Sellers. So, I started with the foundation stone of praise for His healing and sweet Grace. From the mortar mixer of His Word I got the Romans 8:28 mortar, And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 NKJV), on my Psalm 91 trowel and placed it on the stone. The next stone had my wifes name Sue Thomas Sellers, thanking my Daddy for giving me a soulmate who care for me and was my greatest encourager. Then I placed the next stone with the names of my daughter Leslie Brown Pendergrass and son-in-law Joshua Pendergrass thanking my Daddy for all they did for me. My baby girl has been gifted by the Master to serve others through nursing and to help her dad. Then I placed another stone with the names of John W. Sellers, Jr. and Gerald Sellers, my Big brothers who surrounded their little brother to help him during this journey. The next stone had written on it prayer Warriors. Many on Facebook, Pastors, Friends, Directors of Missions, Al Baptist State Missionaries, Fbc Remlap family, Alabama Baptist Churches and many more who touch heaven for me. The next Rock I had written the names of my Alabama Baptist Childrens Homes & Family Ministries Family who cheer me on and who did so much for my family. I seek each day to remind them they are the Bestest! I placed another stone which I written Dr. Ken Puckett and Dr. Vance, gifted physicians by The Great Physician to be instruments of His healing power. Yes, I praise my Daddy for Chemotherapy treatments as challenging as they were, it was used to bring healing. The next stone had written in large letters, CANCER. To remind me how through this storm My Daddy shape me and used it to show others His Glory! The memorial had almost been complete. I had built this under the supervision from My Master Craftsman - My Daddy. Yet, there was one more thing that needed to be done. I put on the garments I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:1-2 NKJV). Then I laid my self on the memorial. I wept tears of praise to my awesome Daddy! I shouted so all could hear me on July 31, 2014, COME SEE AND KNOW THE LORD WHO GOT THIS AND WHO GOT ME!!!😂😂😂 Once again my Daddy embrace me with His arms of Love and Grace. Now friend if you have not realized it, He longs to do the same for you. He whisper to me, Your Daddy Sure is Proud of you boy. Wow, what Amazing Love from The One who knows my name! Oh my sweet Lord thank you for the assurance of knowing because you saved me at the age of 9 that I win either way! I know I am not a finish project, take all of me Lord! May today all who see me only see Jesus! May they know you, the one I exalt in this journey of life. I Love You Daddy!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 13:18:16 +0000

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