In every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win the victory - TopicsExpress


In every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time – Robert Collier For my competition junkies out there, we all know that second place is the first loser and if you are like me you HATE to lose. However after looking past the initial pain of losing you will find an invaluable amount of lessons that you can take and apply into your next battle. This blog entry will focus on how losing is very natural and how to move forward while learning from your loss. 1. Losing is as natural as breathing – In the competition of life millions upon millions of people lose every single day. Most people dwell on their losses, but truly successful people take their loss and transform it into a learned lesson. You didn’t get that dream job? Find out what you did wrong so you can adjust your interview strategy. Messed up on that huge presentation? Ask a professional speaker to become your mentor to help you become a more polished speaker. The strategy behind this concept is if you do lose, learn what you did wrong and put something in place to minimize the risk of it happening again. Always remember losing is a natural process, staying in that loss isn’t. 2. Learn in Losing – In every loss you should find something new. This isn’t the time to beat yourself up, but to take a deeper look at why things didn’t work out in your favor. In all seriousness if you didn’t die from the loss you are in GREAT shape to make a comeback Let’s take a break and see how Rocky Balboa did it in Rocky III. All you need is the will to assess the situation and want to get better. This is a key component in winning at the game of life. What have you gain when you lost at something?
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 19:35:41 +0000

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