In every episode, Brain asks Pinky the question Are you pondering - TopicsExpress


In every episode, Brain asks Pinky the question Are you pondering what Im pondering? Here are some of my favorite of Pinkys responses: I think so, but where will we find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night? Wuh, I think so, Brain, but if we didnt have ears, wed look like weasels. I think so, Brain, but if they called them Sad Meals, kids wouldnt buy them! Well, I think so, Brain, but snort no, no, its too stupid! I think so, Brain, but if we get Sam Spade, well never have any puppies. I think so, Brain, but calling it pu-pu platter? Huh, what were they thinking? I think so, Brain, but can the Gummi Worms really live in peace with the Marshmallow Chicks I think so, Brain, but if the plural of mouse is mice, wouldnt the plural of spouse be spice? I think so, Brain, but then my name would be Thumby. Brain: In a perfect world, your name would be Dummy! Um, I think so, Brainie, but why would anyone want to Pierce Brosnan? Methinks so, Brain, verily, but dost thou think Pete Rose by any other name would still smell as sweaty? I think so, Brain, but wouldnt his movies be more suitable for children if he was named Jean-Claude van Darn? I think so, Brain, but why does a forklift have to be so big if all it does is lift forks? I think so, Brain, but if we have nothing to fear but fear itself, why does Eleanor Roosevelt wear that spooky mask? Um, I think so, Brain-2, but a show about two talking lab mice? Hoo! Itll never get on the air. I think so, Brain. But if I put on two tutus, would I really be wearing a four-by-four? Brain: Why do I even bother asking? Pinky: I dunno, Brain. Maybe its all part of some huge, cosmic plot formula! I think so, Brain, but can you use the word asphalt in polite society? I think so, Mr. Brain, but if the sunll come out tomorrow, whats it doing right now? Oh yes, Brain! Remind me to tape all our phone calls! I think so, Brain! But isnt a dreadlock hair extension awfully expensive? I think so, Brain. But would the villains really have gotten away with it, if it werent for those pesky kids and their dog? I think so, Brain, but a codpiece made from a real fish would get smelly after a while, wouldn’t it? I think so, Brain, but wouldnt an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weenie, yellow polka-dot one-piece be better suited for my figure? I think so, Brain! Well dress up like biker dudes and infiltrate the Hades Ladies. Then well convince them to hold a meeting inside the corn palace. Narf! The resulting carbon-monoxide buildup will allow you to complete your energy-making device and shortly after, you will rule the world! Brain: Actually, I was thinking of calling the police. But I like your idea better! Pinky: I’m honored, Brain... er, what was my idea again? Wuhhh... I think so, Brain, but if a ham can operate a radio, why cant a pig set a VCR? I think so, Brain! But do I have what it takes to be the Lord of the Dance? I think so, Brain, but I didn’t know 90210 was a real zip code! Narf! I think so, Brain, but what if the Telechubbies dont fight fair? I think so, Brain. But even if we found a tuxedo to fit a blowfish, who would marry it? Um, no, Cranky Mouseykin, not even in the story you made up. I think so, Brain. But suppose we do the hokey pokey and turn ourselves around, is that what its really all about? I think so, Brain, but shed never leave Mickey! Whoof, oh, Id have to say the odds of that are terribly slim, Brain. Brain: True. Pinky: I mean, really, when have I ever been pondering what youve been pondering? Brain: To my knowledge, never. Pinky: Exactly. So, what are the chances that this time, Im pondering what youre pondering? Brain: Next to nil. Pinky: Well, thats exactly what Im thinking, too. Brain: Therefore, you are pondering what Im pondering, Pinky.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 05:45:04 +0000

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