In fact, sometimes you may also think about if Osifu leaves the - TopicsExpress


In fact, sometimes you may also think about if Osifu leaves the earth, how would you continue your following journey? Osifu很清楚地球上接下来会发生什么。 Osifu knows perfectly well what is going to happen next on the earth. Osifu很清楚Osifu会离开地球。 Osifu knows very clearly that Osifu will leave the earth. Osifu临行前会提前安排好身后事。 Osifu will arrange things behind well in advance before leaving. Osifu说过“Osifu来时便知归期。” Osifu has said that “Osifu knows the date of returning when coming.” 地球的能量场维次太低、太污浊,不适合长期停留。每天每次灵体回到肉身,拖起这个臭皮囊、躯壳都会感到很累,很麻烦。若不是因为慈悲、因为使命,一分一秒都不愿意多呆在地球上。 The dimension and energy field of the earth is too low, too foul and not suitable for long-term stay. Every day and every time when the spiritual body comes back to the flesh body and drags this vile skin-body shell, Osifu feels very tired and troubled. If it is not because of compassion and missions, Osifu is unwilling to stay on the earth for one more minute. 说说心里话,Osifu经常听到耳畔响起一句话“不若归去,不若归去……” To tell the truth, Osifu often hears words ringing by ears ” It would be better to return. It would be better to return…” 每次回到低频能量场、回到肉身躯壳都会感到窒息的难受,地球太污浊,频次太低,肉身太麻烦,做事效率太低。 Every time when returning to the low-frequency energy field and returning to the physical body, Osifu feels suffocatingly uncomfortable. The earth is much too defiled and its frequency is too low. The flesh body is much too troublesome and its efficiency is too poor. 我们都应该“死字当头”,在某个时空点我们的肉身都会死,我们都会离开这个世界。我们应该考虑身后事,提前安排好身后事。“无常大鬼,不期而至”,不是吗? We should all put the word “death” above all else. Our human body will die at a certain time-space point and we will all leave this world. We should think about things behind and arrange them in advance. The impermanence ghost will arrive unexpectedly, won’t it? Osifu多次说过,Osifu的每一句话都是遗言。Osifu的地球之旅只会留下一部书《OSIFU》,Osifu所有的言教都收集在《OSIFU》一书中。 Osifu has said many times that every word of Osifu is the last word. Osifu will leave only one book OSIFU during his journey on the earth. All of Osifu’s verbal directions and teachings will be collected in the book OSIFU. 《OSIFU》是Osifu留给地球文明史的最珍贵的礼物,也是唯一的礼物。惭愧的是,Osifu的地球之旅消耗了地球的能源,而自己的贡献太小。 OSIFU is the most precious gift that Osifu leaves for the history of civilization of the earth and is the only gift as well. What Osifu feels ashamed of is that Osifu’s journey on the earth has consumed energy resource of the earth but has contributed too little to it. Osifu离开地球的时候你们不必举行任何仪式,甚至你们找不到Osifu的肉身。那时你们应该明白Osifu又开始了新的星际旅程,你们不清楚Osifu往哪里去,正如你不知道Osifu从哪里来一样。 Don’t bother to hold any ceremony when Osifu leaves the earth. You won’t even find Osifu’s body. At that time, you should understand that Osifu starts his new interstellar journey. You won’t know where Osifu goes just like that you don’t know where Osifu came from. Osifu的十大愿是Osifu多生历劫以来、现在、将来的一切,十大愿是Osifu的全部。 The Ten Great Vows of Osifu has been everything for Osifu since many lifetimes and countless eons ago, and is everything for Osifu at present and will be everything for Osifu in the future. The Ten Great Vows is all for Osifu. Osifu的真言是Osifu多生历劫以来、现在、将来的一切教法,〇真言是Osifu的演化。 The Mantra of Osifu has been all teachings of Osifu since many lifetimes and countless eons ago, and is all teachings of Osifu at present and will be all teachings of Osifu in the future. The Mantra of Osifu is Osifu’s manifestation.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 11:12:04 +0000

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