In following the Jefferson County Colorado sick-out and student - TopicsExpress


In following the Jefferson County Colorado sick-out and student protests, the alleged cause for the dispute is the local school boards review of the new AP American History framework. In theory, this framework is supposed to provide a starting point that local districts then modify for their local needs. Of course, that only works in one direction (the left). What is unstated in this debate is the group that was behind the new framework and the College Boards relationship with them. This group, headed by NYU Historian Thomas Bender have been working for years to internationalize US History. Their belief is that the role of the nation needs to be downplayed and that US History needs to be seen through the eyes of the victims of that history, meaning other countries. Most importantly, the concept that the US is, in any way, exceptional needs to be downplayed. For example, this quote taken from the groups report in 1998 sums up their goal... The question of internationalizing the study of American history is unavoidably connected to the issue of American Exceptionalism. That old debate need not be re-entered, though this Project puts a new kind of pressure on it. But the work associated with this project must be careful not to construct a new mega-exceptionalism, with the American global city upon a hill the new model for a global culture and economy. There is a danger of a triumphalism that this history could fall into, thus becoming the ideological justification for the latest phase of capitalism. Clearly this group is opposed not only to the concept of the US as somehow better than anyplace else, but cautions that even in teaching about the US as a subordinate part of the transnational community, that they must guard against the US as the example for all to strive for as that would justify capitalism. This article in long, detailed, and goes back to the late 90s tracing the rising influence of the OAH and Professor Bender through the recent updates to the framework. Make sure that you read the links that the article gives, such as the quote I gave above, because they provide, in Professor Benders own words, his view of the world. nationalreview/corner/386202/how-college-board-politicized-us-history-stanley-kurtz
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 20:28:38 +0000

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