In have been getting lots of questions about what I eat.. Figure - TopicsExpress


In have been getting lots of questions about what I eat.. Figure it is time for some Q&A to these: 1) are you vegan? No, I have been many times in the past and do enjoy eating that way. Vegan is an entire lifestyle though. I eat mostly plant based, but do enjoy honey, the occasional fish, and if I am over someones house for dinner I will eat what is served as long as I am not allergic. I am Plant Strong but Not Plant Perfect. I also got very sick of chicken and eggs after training for my show, so I naturally progressed back to plant eating. 2) what are your allergies? Gluten, dairy, cashews, pistachios, soy and corn. Gluten, cashews and pistachios will send me to the Dr so I am very careful. Soy and corn I would need to eat a lot to have any reaction, so those I can do in moderation. I do avoid soy except for tempeh though, and only on moderation as well 3) why do you post and share so much about Paleo then? Paleo is big and for many it works great! I am a personal trainer and a fitness writer. I would never tell you to eat the way I do. Everybody is different and you need to find what works for YOU 4) Do you really drink Shakeology? Yes, every single day! 5) is your family vegan? Nope! And really, neither am I 6) Do you ever eat junk? I love chocolate but do not refer to it as junk. I also like sweet potato fries, and will have if I find them GF in a restaurant, but I dont consider anything I enjoy to be junk Ok, that is the ones I get all the time... Any others? I will answer :-)
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 20:35:24 +0000

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