In her heyday as Hollywood’s preeminent exemplar of feminine - TopicsExpress


In her heyday as Hollywood’s preeminent exemplar of feminine allure, Marilyn Monroe went on a brief sabbatical. Specifically, she enrolled in the Actors Studio, ostensibly, to polish her dramatic acting skills. And years prior to that, Marilyn took two courses at the University of California. Throughout her life, she persisted in developing her intellect. Evidence for that was brought to light by the good people at Christie’s, one very prestigious auction house. They provided for people, who were eager to bid on items consigned by the estate of the late Marilyn Monroe, a list of some 390 book titles. Truth be told, absent such authoritative documentation, I myself never would’ve believed the lady had accumulated such an impressive personal library, during her relatively brief time on earth. Hers puts mine to shame. The topics covered range from popular fiction such as THE GREAT GATSBY by F Scott Fitzgerald to such academic forays as deep as THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCOPENHAUER by Irwin Erdman. Finding this last book on her list made me gasp. Ain’t no way nobody’s getting nowhere near no deeper than that … no dumb blonde, she! Originally, I began writing this piece with a view towards comparing and contrasting Marilyn Monroe, who was a high school drop-out with “Penny”, who is a community college drop-out. This last is a character, portrayed the actress Kaley Cuoco, in the television series: THE BIG BANG THEORY. Anyway, Penny hangs out within a small circle of friends: three pathetic, self-admittedly so, faculty members of Caltech at Pasadena. … oh, yeah, that circle also includes one more, who in addition to being pathetic is also blissfully narcissistic. In just about every episode, Penny more or less eavesdrops on the conversations that take place within that small circle of friends. Whereas Penny eavesdrops, any new female character. deliberately intended by the series producers to reprise the authentic Marilyn Monroe, would participate. Take my word for it, my little chick-a-dees, there’s a world of difference. Darn, did I employ the word “reprise”. Well, I’ll use it again. THE BIG BANG THEORY reprises the first season of STAR TREK. Really, the narcissistic character reprises “Spock”, the science officer in board The ENTERPISE NCC 1701. Funny thing, that narcissistic character idolizes both Spock and the actor who portrayed him during that first season, namely, Leonard Nemoy. Sorry to say, that particular character’s attribute fails miserably to prevent his violating the “pink swear” of science. Specifically, “I will not deceive, not even myself”. And that is an offense, Spock would never perpetrate …. oh, yeah, the offense occurred in the “spherical chickens” episode. Aware of what the average “DIE-HARD fan” knows, that particular new female character, meant to reprise the authentic Marilyn Monroe, would feel honor-bound to reprimand that blissfully narcissistic miscreant. On the other hand, she would empathize with that smarty-pants, when he loses out on tenure to that “third-floor janitor”, who SHOULD’VE been allowed to win the Physics Bowl for the Army Ants. Incidentally, I do go into some detail about that pinky swear in my novella, titled WAR DODGER. Well, I suppose I should provide a few details about my novella like so. It’s pretty much about my failure to earn a master’s degree in the history of science. It contains passages that are salaciously hilarious, and some the average reader might consider maudlin. Well, if anybody is interested, it’s for sale at Amazon(dot)com. And by clicking this hyperlink: , one gets to the “gateway”, so to speak, of certain books published thereon. As for the graphic, well, I’ll fess up to two peccadilloes. One, I admire Oscar Wilde’s dictum: “nothing succeeds like excess”. Two, I fiercely believe that we obtain our most savory fillet mignon from gleefully butchered sacred cows. … alright, already, a more concise way to say that previous sentence, “sacred cows make the best hamburger”. As for that “Physics Bowl” episode, really I mean, would it have (?) hurt that much to let that Russian émigré bask in glory for all of 15 seconds. Such is life.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 22:48:43 +0000

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