In his 1997 book titled The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and - TopicsExpress


In his 1997 book titled The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives, former Carter administration national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski said: As America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat. The kind 9/11 created. US officials identified so-called 9/11 attackers nearly straightaway after the incident. The FBI lied claiming Mohamed Atta left behind luggage containing decisive evidence about Al Qaedas responsibility for the attacks. Passports allegedly found at United 93s crash site were fake. Alleged hijackers werent aboard the four fateful flights.... In April 2013, evidence suggested state-sponsored terrorism responsibility for Boston marathon bombings. In March 2004, Madrid train bombings occurred three days before Spains general elections. Al Qaeda was blamed. With no corroborating evidence. Fear was stoked. Suggesting follow-up attacks against other Western targets. Including American ones. On July 7, 2005, so-called London 7/7 underground bombings attacked the citys public transport system. During the morning rush hour for maximum disruption and casualties. At precisely the same time, an anti-terror drill occurred. Simulating real attacks. These type attacks raise suspicions. Vital questions remain unanswered. Who gains? Who loses? On 9/11 morning, the CIA simulated a pre-planned emergency response required if a plane struck a building. Held at its Chantilly, Virginia Reconnaissance Office. Simulating a small jet aircraft hitting one of its buildings. In October 2000, the Pentagon simulated a commercial plane striking its building. Pre-9/11 exercises preceded the real thing. On June 30, 2007, a Jeep Cherokee with propane canisters crashed into Glasgow International Airports glass doors. The usual suspects were blamed. Islamic terrorists. In May 2013, two assailants killed British soldier Lee Rigby. In broad daylight in London. Alleged attackers remained on the scene. Until police arrived 20 minutes later. Why wasnt explained. Killers dont usually stay around to be captured. Reports called what happened the first domestic Al Qaeda-inspired attack since the July 7, 2005 underground (so-called 7/7) bombings. On January 11, 2010, one day before Haitis devastating earthquake, the Pentagons US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) simulated a hurricane striking the island. In preparation for carefully planned measures to be implemented. Involving occupation, control and plunder. Deputy SOUTHCOM commander General PK Keen was in Haiti when the quake struck the next day. Ready to initiate US policy. Haiti remains colonized. Plundered for profit. Its people exploited. With no say over issues most affecting their lives. Controlled by Americas iron fist. What follows Wednesdays Paris attacks remains to be seen. Maybe CIA operatives plan something similar in America. Perhaps another step toward eliminating freedom altogether. Escalating US-led NATOs war on Islam. Targeting humanity. Confronting Russia. Risking nuclear war. Lunatics running things in Washington make anything possible. - Excerpts from Stephen Lendmens article, 1.8.15 (sjlendman.blogspot)
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 23:38:46 +0000

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