In his Book of Salah, Al Bukhaari recorded that Anas said, “A - TopicsExpress


In his Book of Salah, Al Bukhaari recorded that Anas said, “A man from the Ansar used to lead the people in prayer in the Masjid in Quba. Whenever he began a Surrah in the recitation of the pray that he was leading them, he would start by reciting ‘Say: He is Allah, The One’ until he completed the entire surah. Then he would recite another surah along with it (i.e. after it). And used to do this in every rakah. So his companions spoke to him about this saying. ‘Verily, you begin the prayer with this surah. Then you think that it is not sufficient for you unless you recite another surah as well. So you should either recite it or leave it and recite another surah instead.’ The man replied, ‘I will not leave it off. If you want me to continue leading you (in prayer), I will do this; and if you all do not like it, I will leave you (i.e., I will stop leading you). They use to consider him to be of the best of them to lead them in prayer and they did not want anyone else to lead them other than him. So, when the Prophet sallahu alayhi wasalam came they informed him of this information and he said, “O so-and-so! What prevents you from doing what your companions are commanding you to do, and what makes you adhere to the recitation of this surah in every rakah?” The Man said, ‘Verily, I love it.’ The Prophet sallahu alayhi wasalam replied, “Your love of it will cause you to enter Paradise.”
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 08:10:01 +0000

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