In his farewell sermon at Arafat, the Prophet ﷺ used the - TopicsExpress


In his farewell sermon at Arafat, the Prophet ﷺ used the sanctity of the time and place to emphasis the sanctity of Muslims’ blood, property and honour. He said: “Is this not the sacred month? Is this not the sacred day?” They said: “Of course it is, O Messenger of Allah.” Then he said: “Truly your blood, property and honour are sacrosanct, just as this day, this month and this place are sacrosanct. Have I not conveyed the message? Let those who are present convey the message to those who are absent.” Then he said, bidding farewell to his Ummah with this awesome final statement: “After I have gone, do not return to your state of disbelief such that you kill one another.” We must therefore look at ourselves and not make light of the killing of anyone – whether they be Muslim or non-Muslim. Someone who neglects the welfare of an animal is liable to be punished, as the hadith tell us. Does someone who regards as insignificant the killing of a human being, the most noble of Allah’s creation, think that Allah will not punish him? This is the state of the Ummah today. People’s faith is weak and they possess little veneration for Allah and His Messenger. As a result they are easily deceived into thinking that spilling the blood of another Muslim is something insignificant. There is no strength or power save by Allah, the Most High, the Almighty.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 09:25:09 +0000

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