In his film The great loss investigating Michael Lemon from - TopicsExpress


In his film The great loss investigating Michael Lemon from Linkoping, as he says, the economic forces behind the limitation of research on how amazing the dolphins like creature. The dolphin should not be incarcerated, is one of the conclusions he draws in the film. Therefore, now reports the filmmaker and dolphin expert Michael Lemon Kolmårdens zoo to CAB and welfare and requires that the dolphinarium immediately closed and that the dolphins are rehabilitated for a life in the open. - The zoo has dolphins just to make money from them, says Michael Lemon. It is a billion dollar industry worldwide. Delfinarierna say they must have dolphins for us to learn something about them. But you learn nothing by just seeing them jump and jump in the pool. - Dolphins are thinking and social animals. They are entitled to their own lives and have never chosen to stay at Kolmarden. If we humans could communicate and understand what the Dolphins say they had decided to say no to living in a concrete bunker. Mats Amundin, research director at Kolmarden Zoo and receiving harsh criticism in Michael Lemons notification, says its part to dolphins in Kolmarden are well. - Although I am party to the case, but according to the behavior of our dolphins we can make use of in order to see how they feel there is nothing to complain about. They are alert, they eat and shit like they should and they have a good relationship with their coach. Moreover, it would be difficult for us to hide if they would not feel good because we constantly have the public eye on us at the public demonstrations. There is always persons who life goal to close dolphinaria. The County Board has not yet begun to process the notification.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 14:04:53 +0000

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