In his latest post from Egypt, Robert Fisk – the best - TopicsExpress


In his latest post from Egypt, Robert Fisk – the best mainstream Mideast journalist working in English – points out that filthy-rich Egyptians are the backbone of support for the anti-Morsi fascist coup, while poor Egyptians oppose the coup and support Morsi. It’s like Pinochet-vs.-Allende all over again. Fisk ought to have gone further and explained an ugly little secret about Egyptian society: Even more than in most places, wealth in Egypt is almost entirely ill-gotten. Due to Egypt’s colonialist legacy of statism and endemic corruption, Egyptians who work honestly for their livings have little opportunity to make money. Compradors, parasites, criminals, and military thugs in jackboots grab all the resources – including billions of dollars in US enslavement-money. Those who work productively are poor. The only thoroughly honest, educated middle-class and upper-middle-class people in Egypt, with very few exceptions, are the Muslim Brotherhood folks. The rich secularist comprador criminals and parasites despise the Brotherhood for that reason and that reason alone: The Brotherhood is impeccably honest and opposed to corruption. All their BS about ideology, all of their honey-tongued islamophobia, blah blah blah, is just that – BS. If the Brotherhood has its way, the whole Egyptian comprador criminal elite will lose its privileges and have to work for a living. Poor Egyptians – the majority of the country – know this. That’s why they support the Muslim Brotherhood. That’s why they elected a Brotherhood parliament in a massive landslide, and elected their man Morsi to the presidency despite the massively-financed dirty tricks of the corruption-based deep state. What we are seeing now is a filthy fascist coup, driven by the rich, corrupt scumbags who own and run Egypt without having done an honest day’s work in their lives. And they are getting ready to perpetrate massacres – holocausts even – to hold on to power.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 13:12:17 +0000

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