In honor of the season, or Delaware County Holiday, lets talk - TopicsExpress


In honor of the season, or Delaware County Holiday, lets talk venison. Our main sources of meat here on the homestead are the hogs we raise in the summer and the venison we get in the late fall. Its a beautiful sight to see your hubs (or you) come home with a deer. We rely on the venison my husband hunts, or the venison we receive from friends. We use it as a substitute for beef because, frankly, we just dont spend the money on beef. As I have said before, grocery store meat is scary, and I would much rather eat something that lived happily. Happy animals make happy meat--its as simple as that. What do we do with all this venison? Lots of stuff. First and foremost, we grind a large percentage with a good, fatty pork roast, or grind it and mix it with our ground pork and make venison burger. We use it exactly the same way we use hamburger. Tacos, meatloaf, burgers, etc.--it all gets venison burger. Its incredibly cheap too. We raise our own pork, so we have a fattier meat to mix with the venison, as venison is very lean. The only cost of the venison is the hunting license and the ammunition. We keep the roasts whole. The roasts are unbelievable in the crock pot!! Try a venison roast in the crock pot with some garlic and onions, salt and pepper, and a tiny bit of water in the bottom. About half way through the day, I throw potatoes and carrots in the crock pot and in a few hours, you have a complete dinner. After dinner, I shred the leftover roast and make pulled-venison sandwiches the next day. Who doesnt love venison loin? We butterfly and just fry it in butter or bacon grease (I know, not low-fat, but uber-tasty). We also stuff the loin with a mixture of cream cheese and pepperoncini, wrap the entire stuffed loin with bacon and either roast it or grill it. A-ma-zing!!! We also do venison spedies on the grill. We marinate the venison, then skewer and grill. Its great with grilled vegetables and rice. I really love canned venison. Its like fast food in a jar. I just dump it out of the jar, make a quick gravy and serve it over egg noodles. It takes less than half and hour, and its a great, quick, weeknight meal. Dont knock venison as a source of meat on your homestead. Its all-natural, cheap, and a great source of lean protein. Try it!! Happy hunting and homesteading happiness.......
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:55:37 +0000

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