In its latest attempt to scrape together a bit of extra cash, the - TopicsExpress


In its latest attempt to scrape together a bit of extra cash, the County Council are now targeting street lights on unadopted roads and threatening to turn them off completely if resident’s or the local Borough Council won’t pay for them. This has the potential to affect a lot of people because for a number of various genuine reasons there are a lot of unadopted roads about. This issue was highlighted yesterday in a Council meeting where there was a Labour Party motion about a 40-year old estate in Corby where NCC has always provided the lighting but are now threatening to turn them off. To be honest, until the debate actually started I had assumed this was some kind of misunderstanding and this wasn’t what was actually planned. That was until I heard the arguments from the Conservatives in favour of doing it which included statements like people should pay for their own lights and be grateful they’d had them free all these years. This seemed to stem from the fact that is some small leafy villages the lighting is provided locally by the Parish Council but I would have thought that was more an argument to change that, rather than turn off other people’s lights. One Tory accused Labour of having a philosophy of wanting things for nothing, while their side believed that people should pay for things themselves, ignoring the fact that actually that’s what we pay our Council Tax for. I was genuinely staggered and thought to myself that if only they could hear themselves they would realise how callous they sounded, and then realised of course that they could hear themselves and clearly didn’t care.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 07:57:57 +0000

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