In july I got a really bad toothache, so after a few days of it - TopicsExpress


In july I got a really bad toothache, so after a few days of it hurting I decided to just got and get it pulled out. So I must have called 10 different dentists to see who could see me the quickest. I got ahold of dr. Carl Hanson at Fayetteville and they made me an appointment for the next day at 11am, so I went and the tooth that was hurting me was my bottom eye tooth and this dr had a very hard time getting it out. he had put so much pressure that I thought he was going to break my jawbone. Then finally he got it out. so as I was on my way home, by the time I got to Walmart which is about 3 or 4 miles away from his office, I noticed that the bleeding had stopped. Which was a bit strange considering I had a hole in my jaw that was huge and any other time I got a tooth pulled it bleed for at least 1 hour so I new something was not right. Then about a week passed by and as my gum started shrinking I begin to experience some major pain and it felt like there was still some tooth left inside the socket and as it shrank the bone would stab into my gums. so I went back to Dr. carl Hanson and told him about the pain and the bone stabbing me in the gums. so he did an x-ray and nothing showed up on the x-ray so he told me that I had a dry socket. Then he numbs me back down and packs gauze into my jaw and sends me home. but as soon as that Novacain wore off I was in worst pain than before so I had to remove the gauze. I cold stick a tooth pick into my socket and feel the bone that was stabbing me and causing me so much pain so I tried to pry it out but it hurt to bad and I caused it to start bleeding so I quit. I must have went to 4 different dentists and the emergency room 5 differ times trying to get help, but no dentist or dr was helping me they all said it was a dry socket, but I knew better. So I decided to call my old dentist in Montgomery and I knew that he would find out whats is wrong with me. so yesterday I went and he did an x-ray and he cme in and asked me when I got the tooth pulled out I told him on july 17th he looked at the intern who was working from the tech and told her to go get his dad. so Andrew kennedy was not sure and his dad Carl kennedy came in and looked at the x-ray and he said when did you say you got this pulled out Andy? I said july 17th in about a week it will be two months. he folded his arms across and said you know if you would have said that you got that pulled out last week I would have said you got a dry socket but its been almost two months and your bone has not even begin to heal it looks as if you just got that pulled out yesterday. So he said, In all 56 years that I have been a dentist I have never seen a delayed healing this bad you have got something going on there. thats when I told him about the bone stabbing me in the gums so he numb me down and he took his tool and started poking around for this bone and oh he found it even with the novacain when he hit it I felt it. so he told me that he has a friend in Charleston who is an oral surgeon and he was going to call him and ask him what he should do. so he left the room to make the call. when he came back he said Andy how fast can you get to Charleston I said Charleston? he said yes they can not tell me what to do over the phone and they want to see you right now. but it was already 3pm and they closed at 5pm so I knew I would not have enough time to get down there and get everthing done before they closed so I told dr kennedy that I cold be there in the morning. so he told them and they wanted me to call so they cold get some information from me so I did and they emailed all my paper work to me to fill out so that when I got there they could just take me strait in I was there at 830 this morning and when they took me back and x-rayed me my x ray looked good other than the bone not closing together so I told him that I believe that my socket has been broken and splintered into the other side of my gums and when ever you x-ray it you cant see it but it is there trust me he said ok he would take a look and when he did he found that piece of bone that everyone had told me was just a piece of bone fragment and it would work its way out. so he numbed me down really good and he cut my gums open so he could see the bone I herd him tell the assistant that there is what is causing him so much pain he said yes you have a very bad and very sharp piece of bone in there so im going to cut it out and file it down. at this point I was a bit nervous but he cut that bone out of there and filed it down and as soon as he did all that pain-pressure disappeared. finally someone had found my problem that I have been through hell over for the last two months and im am felling so good right now that all that pain is gone it in describable and im in the best mood that I have been in for two months. its amazing at how much pain can change your life the last two months I lost 30 pounds I did not feel like doing anything not even getting on facebook and when I did it was not for long. but now, now I feel like a new man im not even thinking the same way or seeing things the same my eyes are open now. and im happier than I have been for a long time. because for the first time since june 2014 I feel good. my head does not feel like its getting ready to explode. when you live with that much pain everyday for 2 months and one day its like some one turned off a light switch its gone and I know it will never come back. that is worth its weight in gold. but all that time in pain and no one believed me and I was right all along.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:00:09 +0000

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