In just a few days 2014 will be behind us. For some of us it is a - TopicsExpress


In just a few days 2014 will be behind us. For some of us it is a relief to see the year go, others may be sorry to see it gone. But, whatever the case, we all need to remember that if we are on our way into 2015 then we still have a purpose to fulfill. For the Jersey Cafe, it means saying good-bye to another year of blessings (some of them in disguise) and riches way beyond what money could buy. As many of you are aware, we started a program called Suspended Coffees and our patrons have been much more than generous in their participation of this program. The response we have had has been tremendous and the people on the receiving end are so grateful and moved by the kindness of others. We dont always get the privilege of seeing this outpouring of heartfelt generosity, but this year was an exceptional example of just that. Here are some of the stories from the last few months as to how we used our suspended money. :) A gentlemans wife had just been diagnosed with cancer He came in almost everyday to pick up food to bring to the hospital for her. Our staff offered a Suspended Coffees Meal and covered the cost for him, also sending well wishes to his wife. :) Marine recruits came in for a meal and our staff offered a Suspended Meal to thank them for their service. A small thank you for what they do, but it was well received and very much appreciated. :) A couple came in to celebrate a milestone birthday. They made a choice to celebrate a breakfast meal rather than a dinner meal because it would be less expensive and also because they could not afford both. With Happy Birthday wishes and a Suspended Meal this man had a smile from ear to ear and we hope he decided to treat himself to a nice dinner as well. :) Two officers from our local Sheriffs office came in for a meal...on their dinner hour while on duty. We gave them a big thank you and a Suspended Meal to show appreciation for all they do. :) On a Sunday morning during our breakfast rush a man came in and needed to bring a roast beef dinner to his terminally ill sister in Hospice --- that was all she wanted to eat. We normally could not do a dinner order at breakfast, but our cook made a special exception for this man (he had just lost another sister a few months prior) and got the dinner together. We were happy to offer the meal for his sister through our Suspended program. It made two people very happy that day as well as our staff. :) When a person retires from the military after 28 years we consider that a huge accomplishment! So when a gentleman came in and told us this very thing we proudly offered him a Suspended Meal with bountiful thanks for his service. :) The food bank was closed until the next week. A family needed to eat. They were asking for help even if it was just a few pennies to be able to collect enough for the kids and maybe themselves. One of our servers came by and saw the situation. She invited them in to the Jersey Cafe where they all ordered a hearty meal to fill them up! Thanks to our Suspended program they did not go hungry that day. :) When you are diabetic and just 12 months old your life is dramatically different from other childrens lives... and at 10 or 12 years old and for the rest of your life you have to control that. We chose to put a smile on a little girls face by offering her a Suspended Meal just because everyone needs to smile as much as possible...and she had such a pretty smile! :) One of our loyal and long time patrons was having a meal when a phone call came in on the cell phone. It was from a doctor saying there was a life threatening emergency that needed immediate attention. This patron had to leave and was visibly upset. When this patron rushed out the staff said that Suspended Coffees would cover the meal especially since it was only half eaten. Come in again when things settle down you can and pay it forward to someone else. Thats the way it works! :) No money....means you cant buy food. That was the story for this one lady. She came in and said she didnt have the means to buy a meal and asked to use Suspended Coffees so that she may eat. She ordered modestly and the program was set in action for her. :) One of our regular patrons came in, ordered his meal and when he went to pay realized he had forgotten his wallet. He was very embarrassed but our staff offered him a Suspended Meal to cover the cost with a promise from him that he would purchase a Suspended Meal for someone else the next time he came in. It all worked out great and he was happy to do that for the next person in need. :) Another thing that has been happening at the Jersey Cafe is this: We have had people sitting here having a meal when we realized for one reason or another that it should be a Suspended Meal but before we had a chance to offer it to them ... an unimaginable thing happens...another patron eating at another table decides to pay the check for that very person! It never ceases to amaze us when we witness what generous, caring people there still are in the world...especially our little corner of this world. We applaud and respect you for the kindness you have expressed to complete strangers and the humanity you show toward others. You have all remained anonymous therefore you will have to accept our thanks in the same way...You know who you are! :) Money well spent...thank you for contributing with your loving, caring hearts. May your Pay it Forward come back to you all with the blessings you shared to others. As you can see by these stories, your money goes a long way...far beyond the coffee. Since we are approaching 2015 very soon, we would like to take the opportunity to wish our patrons, our loyal and hard working staff and all of and your families a New Year blessed with wonderful beginnings and happy endings in all you will be confronting throughout the year. Thank you all for another successful year. Joe and Valerie Cuce
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:04:31 +0000

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