In just four days, there will be a new presidential election in - TopicsExpress


In just four days, there will be a new presidential election in Ukraine. (From February 23 till now, because of the former president Yanukovychs flight to Russia, Ukraine has only an interim government, O. Turchynov being the interim parliament speaker and A. Yatsenyuk the interim prime minister.) Who will win? Many Ukrainians believe that the new president will be Petro Poroshenko, an enormously wealthy man, a billionaire owner of a huge chocolate industry. His campaign is very well organized, and his pre-election rhetoric is well thought-of; he is for the unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and he favors some serious democratic reforms. But in my humble opinion, Poroshenko would be more of the same - his first priority might well be to preserve and enlarge his own and his familys wealth. Maybe I am too tough on him, but I just do not trust tycoons-oligarchs. I would rather Dr. Olga Ольга Богомолець (Olha Bohomolets) be the new President. Yes, she is a medical doctor (and also a singer-performer, and a collector of ancient icons), so she does not have this so-called experience in governing the country. But is it such a big deal after all? What kind of experience of this sort had the true pro-democracy revolutionaries of the 20th century, Vaclav Havel and Lech Walesa? Havel was a playwright, and Walesa was a blue collar worker and community organizer. But they were living for certain ideals, not for becoming richer... I have a feeling that Olinka Bohomolets (whom I know from her early childhood) is also living for a certain ideal. She showed passion and real leadership skills during the EuroMaidan revolution of November 2013 - February 2014 in Kyiv. And she also has some of the finest GENES of todays Ukraine! I know her family so well (went to school with her auntie Oleksandra, then had her mother Kateryna as a professor in college, then worked together with her father, Vadym; my parents and my grandmother were friends with her grandparents). They are wonderful people: intelligent, interesting, super-bright, generous and NOBLE. I would not hesitate to vote for Olinka if I could. I hope she will become the new President and that she will form a good working Cabinet, which will include capable leaders and Ukrainian patriots.
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 13:53:29 +0000

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