In just under two weeks, the BANFF Film Festival World Tour will - TopicsExpress


In just under two weeks, the BANFF Film Festival World Tour will be right here in Wichita in the beautiful and historic Wichita Orpheum Theatre. The films are all, of course, outdoor oriented, but they are various. BANFF has something for everyone. Some features introduce us to people whose lifestyles we experience vicariously. We get to see challenges being overcome and perseverance pay off, or we get to appreciate those people that do what they do for the sake of others. There is no shortage of benevolence. Some of the films will incite excitement and fascination, as many uncommon and extreme sports are dangerous, but adrenaline-inducing. Some films will give us knowledge of a place with which many of us are not familiar and make us revisit our sheer appreciation for the natural world. Heres a preview of just one of the films that will be featured in Wichitas BANFF screening: vimeo/66279235 For more details about BANFF, click here: https://facebook/events/683391911740190/
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:00:01 +0000

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