In last nights installment of The Mystical and not so Mystical - TopicsExpress


In last nights installment of The Mystical and not so Mystical Adventures of Katter, Ian Curtis, Robert Smith and Mothman: -The wedding was finally about to happen, but then time traveling cyberpunk nazis kidnapped our officiant, Nick Mason (best known as the drummer and only constant member of Pink Floyd). -They even stole our pet Kraken. Mothman cried. -With the help of a vampire circus troupe we not only followed the time traveling cyberpunk nazis back to their time, I also acquired a young version of Jörmungandr (the Midgard Serpent) and Fenrir (Lokis wolf child) as my very own. -We chased them all over the world through different times having to fight and being aided by various supernaturals along the way. Apparently there was a prophecy some were trying to prevent that they thought would come true if Ian and I tied the knot. -We found out the mastermind behind this whole plot was actually Morrissey. It turned out he had sent one of his clones in his place during the Antarctica showdown so it was a clone the kraken devoured, not the real Mors. -Suddenly Mors tried to attack me but Robert jumped in the way.They proceeded to duel like Robert had done with the clone. Unfortunately the real Mors was stronger than the clone and Robert was mortally wounded. Mothman got his revenge. -After a tearful goodbye scene with Robert the rest of us finally found Nick Mason and began the trek home. -Nick filled us in on Mors plan. Mors thought I was Hel incarnate, I just hadnt awoken yet. He feared me being with Ian would awaken it so he was trying to foil us because he was worried wed misuse the power before he got a chance to. Mors freaked out when he saw me with Jörmungandr and Fenrir because he figured Id already awakened and had gathered my siblings to start my conquering of Migard so he tried to destroy me then. -I went back to Roberts body and thanked him for his sacrifice. As my tears touched him, he came back to life and I was transformed. -Ian and I decided to go to Niflheim and spend the rest of our days there. Robert Smith and Mothman decided to travel the other 7 worlds. And so our adventures finally ended. At least for now
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 16:16:48 +0000

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