In last weeks election campaign the main news was that Prime - TopicsExpress


In last weeks election campaign the main news was that Prime MInister Binjamin Netanyahu was reelected as leader of the Likud with 75% of the votes. Opinion polls show that support for both the Likud and the Labor party is strengthening. After a leaked video in which the deceased spiritual leader of the ultraorthodox Shas party Rabbi Ovadya Josef called current party leader Arye Deri a thief and bribe taker Deri resigned from the Knesset and so did the other nine Shas MKs. tundratabloids/2015/01/dr-manfred-gerstenfeld-netanyahu-easily-wins-likud-primaries.html
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:20:26 +0000

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