In less than 24 hours me & the kids will be on our flight home to - TopicsExpress


In less than 24 hours me & the kids will be on our flight home to Hawaii! For the past two weeks my son Kanoa has been counting down the days, asking everyday about the airline, the size of the plane and where are seats are. It might seem like nothing to you. You probably just presume he is just excited to be going to Hawaii but to me I begin to shiver inside remembering how it was to go home three years ago. Three years ago, I made sure we arrived early allowing a mellow slow pace to the airplane! They had their time to play at the playground, buy toys and magazines at the airport stores, be MELLOW! When the ground crew invited families to board, we made our way to the gate. Suddenly Kanoa became absolutely petrified to the point that no matter how many hugs and kisses and promises that everything was going to be alright, he absolutely REFUSED to get on the plane!! The rest of the passengers - first, business, and then economy, group by group boarded the plane as I tried to convince MY child that it was safe. But no matter what I said he was too scared! The ANA ground crew tried to help telling him of all the presents he would get when he got to his seat! and the amazing entertainment system with games. But nothing seemed to matter! He was seriously physically shaking! As a mother what do you do? WHAT?! No matter what the ground crew said or did, he was just too scared!! I thought for a moment, is Kanoa physic? Does he know something about this flight? Is it DOOMED? Why is he freaking out this much! It wasnt our first flight! Hes traveled at least 10 times before this! Why now? The ground crew tried their best but nothing would make him walk a step closer to the airplane. Then the actual PILOT - seriously the actual airplanes PILOT comes out to talk to this little boy, Kanoa, who refuses to board the airplane. Hes a caucasian pilot which for some reason I wasnt expecting from a Japanese airline. He actually invites Kanoa to see the cockpit. But no Kanoa wont budge! Hes still shivering and shaking!! Then the guys who holds the glowing red sticks to guide the plane comes in through the side door entrance to see why (the little boy) the departure has been delayed. Holding his red sticks, this guy talks to Kanoa so compassionately! Meanwhile I can hear the ground crew telling the baggage guys to remove OUR bags from the plane. I have begun to ball! Totally crying! Tears running down my face! Feeling absolutely helpless. Kahana, my daughter is BEGGING Kanoa to get on the airplane! I just could not believe this was happening?!! What made him this frightened? The entire plane, passengers, ground crew, control tower was waiting for us! I didnt know what to do other than give up!! But then the guide stick holding guy worked a miracle of sorts. Kanoa believed him when he said that the plane was safe!! As he held his hand we walked onto the plane. When they opened the curtain to business class the whole section looked up to see the reason for the delay in departure. With black mascara streaks down my face, I apologetically walked down the aisle bowing and saying sorry for the delay. When we reached our seat, the Oneesan (elder brother) ground crew guy said goodbye! Kanoa shivering and still shaking refused to let go of his hand screaming (seriously screaming) please dont go! But this guy said just the right words…I will be right outside guiding your plane to take off. BELIEVE ME THIS PLANE IS SAFE.! Shivering and shaking under the blanket holding my hands, Kanoa, Kahana and I made it home to Hawaii!! So if I can ask a favor from you my friends, will you please pray that everything goes well tomorrow and that Kanoa will be OK taking a flight!
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:31:45 +0000

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