In less than 3 hours...we will be homeowners! I know...big - TopicsExpress


In less than 3 hours...we will be homeowners! I know...big deal right? Well, this is a very big deal for us. In the 15 years Bryan and I have been together, its been a game of settling for, this is good enough, we will just have to make it get the idea. If you only knew what our first apartment looked like. It was all we could afford. I think it was 500sq ft. Blue stained carpet, wood paneling walls (that looked like a dart board), old smell ...because, well, it was probably about 50 years old, and you can imagine our neighbors. All of our furniture had been given to us. We had one of those old wood frame couches with the burlap sack material cushions and my bed from back home that belonged to my step dads mom at some point. No washer and dryer, so we had to take all our clothes to the laundry mat. Everything was handed down to us..and we were so grateful. We were together and at the age of 19, that was all I cared about. Being with my marine. (thats a whole other story I will save for a rainy day.) We graduated from the old apartment to a duplex! ♪Movin on up♫ Our old furniture got donated and we bought our first furniture purchase. New couches! YEAH! Then...another apartment in San Diego (on the 3rd floor with no elevator, I might add!), next a townhouse, another townhouse...and finally after almost 10 years of marriage, we moved into our own house. No sharing walls! So you see, the house we are currently living in, is only the 2nd house we have ever lived in. We have had to make due with what we could afford and what we could find in the area we have gotten stationed in. The house we are buying has everything I have ever wanted in a home. Sure, its not a mansion, but for those of you who know me, you know I am not high maintenance. We are finally not settling for whats good enough. We get to paint the walls fushia if we want to. I have my own office for my business and the boys have their own rooms. Bryan gets the garage for his gym and my kitchen is amazing. I cant wait to share this journey with you. I plan to film videos from my office, workouts from my living room and cooking tips from my kitchen! :) Im counting my blessings and saying my prayers. What an awesome Friday! Lets move Bryan Burke!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:41:11 +0000

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