In life I have been through alot very tough times and tryed to - TopicsExpress


In life I have been through alot very tough times and tryed to stand my ground and do what is right. Over the last few years I have been through hell with life throwing me many curve balls and soul destroying times. I have struggled with heath and live in constant pain for almost a year and a half, battled panic attacks and depression. Yet never once have I never stepped away from being a friend and showing my love for people. In the last 9 months I have been at some of the lowest points in my life and on my very own birthday on the 17 April this year I stood in front of my very own doctor and asked him for help because I was struggling with life. One of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life. Yet still put on a brave face and when to a gig that very night. Im not one to take tablets for anything and I always try to find ways to keep me stronger. To me its the people I love and believe in that make me stronger. In the last few months of my life I have found people in my life that I would walk through hell for. I have always offered my heart to anyones that needs it and open arms to someone that needs a hug. I have been there for many many people. More than any of you could ever know. Alot of them at the very same time and allways tryed to find time to be there for all of them to be a friend and shoulder to lean on. Even through my own pains. If Im asked for help I do my very best to be there. Pride myself in seeing through peoples masks to whats happening inside of them and when I ask are you ok. I mean it from the heart not just words. In the last few weeks I put my heart on the line and been there for so many people and sacrificed work and personal time to be there for people. I love doing it as its what being a friend is all about for me. All I ask is that for those that have been of late questioned who I am and made me question myself, STOP ! If you dont want a friend like me then please walk away and dont pick holes in who I am. Talk to me and let me see what I have done wrong. Please never question my heart and my loyalty. The limited time I have in life I try to share out as much as I can. Right now in life Im the happiest & Healthiest I have felt in a few years. The strength on the people I believe in has giving me such fight and put the biggest smile on my face. To all the people that have made me feel loved and been there for me as a friend, I Love You All ( Male & Female ). I have amazing friends who have picked me up of the floor when I have been on my knees and these are the ones I love the most ( You know who you are.) I want to keep on climbing up and up and I have some tough decisions to make ahead so I have know room for people who dont want to see me smile. I love my smile and I love the people that put it they. Xxxxxxx I Believe in you all and feel blessed to have those that believe in me in my life. Love you all xxxxx ( Yes I cried when writing this. Lol )
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 10:59:38 +0000

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