In life,ones main objective is to become famous among others in - TopicsExpress


In life,ones main objective is to become famous among others in any given society. Given this aim,one engages ones self in some activities that can make people know what one can do. That is,creating awareness about ones existence and prowess. Notice that for one to actualise ones aim,one has to go through many hardship before reaping the benefit of ones struggle in the long run. Also note that,one accomplishe ones aim on the condition that one did not relent at a point which may be as a result of oppositions and haters. So far as one can defeat the pressure mount by haters ,one can then be able to achieve ones aim at last. And when this is the case,one can now smile and praise God for ones achievment. Now ,versity of Portarcourt is to be used as instance. U2009 Economics Department(final year Eco.) Is where I derived my premise(facts). A few people are to be mentioned with respect, given the accomplishment of their aims in the versity world. Among the people are: Emeka(former eleco member,former Imo state president,and currently,the Igwe of Ohaneze Indi Igbo uniport charpter), santino(former Ohaofia president uniport charpter),Sunny(former Yoruba president), Amicable(former Enugu president),Bayo(former Provost ,DOS,and president of NESA),Harold(former extention secretary,and presidential aspirant NESA),David(former NESA sec.gen),princewill(former NESA fin.sec),Uzoamaka(former NESA VP),Estel(former NESA treasurer),Vincent(former course rep of Eco department,and former presidential aspirant), Godwin(present Eco rep),Petas(fomer SOSA presidential aspirant),Makasi(former eleco cordinator,and student lecturer till now),and among others. Now,these aformentioned achievers are the people who actually started the struggle since their first year in the university . Initially,oppositions where everywhere with the aim of killing our interests but to little avail. Using makasis struggle as an instance will be necessary for clearity. Amid my first year era,I had the intention of being the coursrep of Eco. dep. Before one of my contenders lobbied against my interest. This actions shifted my interest to becoming the NESA president in final year . Given this aim of mine,full politics was my first order condition as I participated vigorously . In year two,teaching ambition became the next interest which made me to start struggling for it in my own class. During this time,haters where everywhere. But this never made my ambition to be on the down ward side rather,at the upward side as I succeded in dominating the tutorial market in Eco department,and this was the main thing that made me very popular in both the faculty and deparment. This now killed my former interest of being the NESA president in my final year since people saw me (given my tutorial business )as one who can make one to win an election(to some extent),and this defined my role of god-fatherism in the department. Therefore,I have managed to achieve my greatest aim in the university world at least,and with this,the probability of me becoming successful in the circular world is tending to unity and so with many of us who have made names in one way or the order. This is because,I believe that individuals of this U2009 set in economics department will make name in Nigeria by assuming one big position or the order. I rep. Eco. U2009 always. I greet u all economically
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 07:36:13 +0000

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