In life there is beauty and disgust we fill our voids with - TopicsExpress


In life there is beauty and disgust we fill our voids with what feels right we sometimes define our happiness through others smiles we hold on to to the rose even though the thorns pierce our flesh we embrace the poison coursing through our veins like a toxic vascular highway for the temporary high of love and being loved is worth all the pain i have been sailing these seas of chaos on this lifeboat ridden with holes ill keep patching them up though and ill keep paddling through these waves of life and i WILL reach the promise land i will dig my toes unto the sand of my island of love and peace Im thirsty Im starving Im ready to fight the good fight to reach my dreams and turn them into reality i send all of you my love on this new year i hope everyone receives this message in good health no matter where you stand in life remember that you ARE standing so stand tall and keep your heads up to the sky GOD BLESS
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 03:56:46 +0000

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