In light of current events with school and teachers...I would like - TopicsExpress


In light of current events with school and teachers...I would like to give a HUGE shout out to ALL CHILDCARE PROVIDERS!!! You do a job that most of us could not do. Your days are long, filled with unbelievable challenges, noise, tried patience, mediation, quick thinking, education, stimulation, messes, crying, guidance, responsibility, special needs and behavioral governing, kids and babies sick with colds, first-aid, allergies, separation anxiety, parents of all walks, having to be non-stop entertainers for sometimes massive age gaps, fluctuating income/schedules, taxi service, and on and on...all the while being strong, maintaining your cool and striving to keep smiles on engaged little faces all day long...many of the kids who are currently in the school system, were in your care first and for many it continues long after the last bell has rung. You make our lives and incomes possible and are worthy of equal recognition that our teachers so rightly deserve. We entrust our children and eventual members of society in your care. They are forever influenced by their time with you and the environment you create. Only VERY special people can do what you do...and we are so eternally grateful...much, much love to you all!! We could NOT do it without you!! XOXO
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 03:57:00 +0000

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