In light of my last post, watch as much of this video as you can. - TopicsExpress


In light of my last post, watch as much of this video as you can. I have set it up so that it starts at a particular point of interest, where degreed structural and civil engineering experts in their trade unanimously agree (and not while consorting together I might add) that the collapse of the third World Trade Center building number 7, could have only happened through controlled demolition. That is, with explosive charges deliberately placed inside the support structure of the building (which would have taken several days to accomplish as the structural supports would have to be drilled out where the explosives were placed, and then wired up to a detonator). Notice that these people explain specifically WHY the building could not have collapsed as quickly as it did ... and we arent talking about how quickly it collapsed once it experienced problems, were talking about how quickly it collapsed once it actually started collapsing. Think about it ... the official government report says that the building collapsed because of normal office fires ... even if that were the case, the building would have collapsed - if a at all - in segments where the fires possibly were the strongest etc. The support structures for any building are not universally supportive. That is, as gravity acts down upon a building, the building does not have load bearing support designed in such a way that if any single portion of the support structure were to give way, the entire thing would give way. The support redundancy designed into modern buildings is FAR more intelligent than that. If one support beam gave way, then the portion of the building which that beam supports would fall in, but even connecting support structures would absorb some of the load (as these things are designed to support weight in multiples of the actual weight being placed upon them). Google pictures of the FBI building that Timmothy McVeigh bombed and you will see how a portion of a building can collapse when a portion of its support structures is weakened to the point of failure. Notice that building did not collapse entirely. Likewise, if building 7 were under the stress of normal office fires, there is no way those fires could have weakened every single support point designed and built into the building. So the fact that the entire building completely collapsed within 7 seconds, tells anyone who has any kind of knowledge about these things, that the buildings entire support system gave way all at once. And this can ONLY happen through controlled demolition. Take at look at this video and see for yourself what educated experts say about the collapse of building 7. The answer some very simple questions: 1) Could office fires have done this? (assuming you answer no...) 2) Who orchestrated the buildings demise? 3) Could the government have been involved given the report they released as the official reasons for the collapse of the building? 4) Why do we, the people, allow our government to continue raping and depriving us of our constitutional rights. Its important to note, that the rubble - specifically the steel that was in the building, was immediately hauled away to China for recycling. NONE of it was retained for study and analysis, which is what is legally required in the demise of any structure which could affect human lives. In other words, the law was broken so that the evidence could be removed from the site before it could be studied. Had we been able to study the steel from the building, the evidence for the use of explosives would have been EASILY discovered as all explosives leave behind chemical residuals, and blast patterns inside the steel. A trained engineer would have been able to ascertain the cause of the collapse within minutes of seeing the material ... which, as I said ... was removed immediately and no one was allowed to examine it. If we do nothing ... where do you think an obviously corrupt government will end up in terms of control over the people they govern? Where is all of this headed and when is enough going to be enough? As it is, it appears that our government was involved in orchestrating an attack against its own people in order to create an illusion of foreign involvement ... and for what reason? I honestly dont know the answer to that last question, but I would sure like to know.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:00:00 +0000

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