In light of recent developments, we should all keep in mind, as - TopicsExpress


In light of recent developments, we should all keep in mind, as ALLAH says: ● “And the slaves of Ar-Rahman (ALLAH the Most Merciful) are those who walk on the Earth in humility and sedateness, and when the FOOLISH address them (with BAD WORDS) they reply back with MILD WORDS OF GENTLENESS.” – Quran 23:63. ● “ARGUE NOT WITH THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK EXCEPT (IN A WAY) THAT IS BETTER (and most GRACIOUS), except with such as do wrong.”-16:125, 29:46. ● “Let not the HATRED OF OTHERS TOWARD YOU make you swerve to WRONG and depart from JUSTICE.” – Qur’an 5:8 ● “And DO NOT INSULT THOSE THEY INVOKE OTHER THAN ALLAH, LEST THEY INSULT ALLAH in enmity WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE. – 6:108 ? Did not the Abdullah (ibn Umar) narrate that Once the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلمdistributed something (among his followers. A man said, This distribution has not been done (with justice) seeking Allahs Countenance (Pleasure). I went to the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم and told him (of that). He became so angry that I saw the signs of anger oh his face. Then he said, May Allah bestow His MERCY on Musa, for he WAS HARMED MORE (in a worse manner) THAN THIS; yet he ENDURED PATIENTLY. – Sahih Bukhari 4:617 The children of Israel mistreated Moses a lot. His agony was not limited to MUTINY, STUPIDITY, SPEAKING ILL OF HIM, IGNORANCE, and IDOLATRY; it exceeded this and went as far as INFLICTING PERSONAL HARM on him. Which is why Allah commanded the Believers to: BE NOT LIKE THOSE WHO ANNOYED MUSA, but ALLAH CLEARED HIM of that which they alleged, and he was HONORABLE in ALLAHs sight! - Quran 33: 69 “Indeed (many) Messengers were mocked before you (O Muhammad), but the scoffers were surrounded by that, whereat they used to mock.” – 36:30
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 22:14:50 +0000

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