In light of the cynical and obvious political ploy of the - TopicsExpress


In light of the cynical and obvious political ploy of the so-called torture report commissioned by the Democrats and released with some interesting timing, in light of some Obamacare and other continuing investigations of democrat chicanery, I feel compelled to respond. If you are easily offended because of your partisanship to either the Democrats or the GOP then straighten your panties, put away your Boudreaux’s Butt Paste, and close this post. We have to first decide, as a nation, what IS torture and define our terms. I am not entirely sure that waterboarding and sleep deprivation rises to the level of torture but they ARE methods that are used to instill extreme distress and duress. Are they morally ethical? I have not resolved this for myself, though I am strongly leaning toward the conclusion that such means are morally compromising. Humiliation of our ”enemies” and using cultural biases and fears to manipulate them hardly seems to be torture. However, there MUST be lines which are sacrosanct and never to be crossed without dire consequences. Checks must be established and maintained. For the most part, I believe that they are, insofar as actual US personnel go. Renditions and torture by proxies are going too far, by half. Frankly, the political rhetoric we’ve endured this week is nauseating. We have the hypocritical left that has privately sanctioned, endorsed, and used intel gained by these methods pillorying the GOP. We have the GOP grotesquely defending any and every use of state power to torture our nebulous enemies, while championing increased statism at every opportunity. I deplore these putrid wastrels who are doing this and wish that we could have a government where there was some form of ultra accountability for these and other actions, but alas I digress into fantasy. More disturbing to me is the public’s acceptance of such means being used against “enemies” they do not understand and really cannot identify absent the government and its ministry of propaganda- the media. Rather than giving full vent to my vitriolic disgust against said sheeple, I ask you the following: How much of a leap is it for a government to begin using such tactics on its citizenry for any pretext they trump up? How long would a die hard NRA member last being waterboarded last before giving up the location of every firearm they owned and friends that owned them as well? How long would the most ardent social activist last in a sleep deprivation chamber before succumbing to suggestions that their protests were treasonous and they must publicly recant before they were imprisoned or executed? Going too far am I? We are only decades removed from the global conflagration that had three major empires, Germany, USSR, and Japan doing the very thing I am writing about. This is still occurring daily in this world. As our nation creeps, nay, LEAPS, toward a neo national socialism and collectivist hybridization, this is where we are heading. We are men and as such we are depraved and carnal creatures incapable of building a government that can be trusted without vox populi checking it. Find your voice and speak out against the government, party affiliation is irrelevant, that uses such means without the light of oversight with such compunction because it might just be us that are the next “enemies” of the state.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:50:57 +0000

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