In light of the loss of a great actor today, i feel like I have to - TopicsExpress


In light of the loss of a great actor today, i feel like I have to say that i can understand the amount of pain he must have been in to take his own life. Now, this is very difficult for me to put out there publicly, but here goes..... As many of you know, i too have battled with depression for most of my life, and is true that those who are suffering the most, seem the most normal on the outside. Depression is a life threatening illness, not some plot to gain attention, or all in your head like so many think it is. It is a biological response to a chemical imbalance in the brain, and people need to be more open and supportive of those who suffer every day. You wouldnt tell someone with severe diabetes Oh, you dont really need that medicine. ... its just all in your pancreas. Have a cookie and get over it. Its the same thing when you tell someone with depression, or any other mental or psychological disorder that what their feeling isnt real and they dont need their meds. That its all in their head and they need to just get over it. That is the ABSOLUTE WORST thing you can do! If someone is hurting mentally, and they actually come to you, it means they trust you, and want/need your help. Just listen to them. Let them vent, cry on your shoulder. LOVE that person and make sure they know it! Yes, suicide is the selfish, easy way out, but speaking from experiance, is done as a last resort. No one really WANTS to kill them selves. When your mind is in that dark place, and you are hurting so badly, suicide seems like the only option left to just make the pain stop. I guess what Im trying to say, is depression has such a bad stigma attached to it. We need to get it out there that things will be OK. No one is going to think youre crazy, no one is going to look down on you. As a society, we need to open or minds and open our hearts and try to understand how and why those with depression feel and act the way they do. Dont look down on them. Dont condemn them. Help them up and let them know how much they are loved. You never know.....One small kind gesture from you, could save someones life.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 04:02:33 +0000

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