In like manner as the Progressive Socialists have infiltrated and - TopicsExpress


In like manner as the Progressive Socialists have infiltrated and hijacked the Democrat Party-dragging it farther to the political left; the Moderate Liberals in the guise of Liberal lap-dog RINOs have also infiltrated and hijacked the Republican Party-dragging it further to the political left. In both instances the hard core radical leftists intent, has been to marginalize and oust the conservatives in both political parties. The Blue Dog Democrats (Reagan Democrats) and also the Tea Party and Constitutionalists on the political right, are the victims of this leftist purge of those on the Political right from both the Democrat and Republican Parties. Disguised Socialism is the driving force that is creating a tsunami of independent voters, that being alienated from their former political party allegiance, have now cynically adopted the view that the Democrat and Republican Parties are both corrupt and there is NOT a nickels worth of difference between them, judging by the measuring stick that creeping socialism continues to emerge in the United States. Incrementally, free enterprise and the accumulation of private sector wealth is being thwarted by the rot of government over-regulation, higher taxes, and runaway deficit spending needed to service the existing and ever mounting glacier of government debt that is held by the ultra mega-rich foreign banker cartel who insist on the advent of one world government. These are the factors that have apparently been at the cutting edge of Socialism that is leading all other political developments in America, including the onset of Obamunist Marxist Muslim governmental intrusions of universal warrantless spying and the rush to amass ammunition in government hands and to militarize the police in order to better control the general public when the protest the loss of personal freedoms and civil rights, occurs when the government rebels against the restrictions of the US Constitution and the nuisance of public elections threatening to dislodge an increasingly unpopular and ever more authoritarian regime gradually imposing dictatorship, with mass arrests without trial and prolonged preventative detention in penal camps, as civil rights, the economy, gainful employment, and access to consumer goods wither away in the painful grasp of bankrupt collectivism enforced by federal martial law and foreign troops on American soil. https://facebook/groups/USteapartyNationalAssembly/
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 00:01:40 +0000

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