In love with a playboy By Anon. Chapter 2: Sarah sits at her - TopicsExpress


In love with a playboy By Anon. Chapter 2: Sarah sits at her desk, her face red as she tries to calm herself down. She glares at Matt’s closed door and resists the temptation to hurl a stapler through it, with the off chance it connects with his head. Taking a deep breath, she turns her attention to her laptop and begins releasing some tension on the keyboard. The next afternoon Sarah goes to an exclusive mall not too far from the office. She is adamant that despite being an unwilling “date”, she will look her best – a date truly worthy of His Majesty Matt White. She speaks to the shop attendant who enthusiastically attends to her. Sarah is shown a variety of dresses, yet none of them “speak to her”. In any event, the dresses are exorbitant and more than an arm’s length beyond her budget. Just as she starts to lose hope, the attendant brings her a floor length dress. Sarah’s breath is caught in her throat as her eyes take in its sheer beauty. She allows herself to be ushered into the changing rooms to try on the dress. As she looks at her image in the mirror, she calls out, “No. I cannot take this. The neckline is far too deep; the slit on the side is far too high. It’s a dress made for seduction”. The dress was perfectly simple but left little to the imagination. The bustier of the dress was formfitting and hugged her body at the waist, and all the way down her lengthy dress. Minimum French lace peeped out from bust, leaving one wondering at its presence. “Nonsense!” exclaims the attendant. “It was made for you. And you have just the figure to accentuate this dress. I can help you accessorise it and no one would recognise you. You will be transformed into something beautiful”. Sarah lifts and eyebrow and mutters, “Gee, thanks!” Against her better judgement, Sarah succumbs to the moment and allows the attendant to talk her into buying the dress. She pays for her purchases with her credit card and makes her way back to her office, all the while making mental calculations to ascertain how many months it would take her to pay back this unnecessary debt. When she gets to her office, she checks her emails for arrangements pertaining to the gala. Matt will be flying them in his corporate helicopter to Cape Town the next day. Sarah meets Matt at the heli-pad the next day. He was conducting the routine pre-flight check-up of the helicopter with one of his mechanics. Sarah swallowed nervously. When they saw her, Matt nodded at her and indicated with his head that she may board the flying machine. The mechanic took her luggage from her clammy hands to stow it carefully along with Matt’s. Matt climbed in besides her and handed her a set of head phones. After ensuring she was appropriately strapped in and flicking a few control buttons, they were airborne. It was only when she heard his amused voice in the head phones saying, “Sarah, you may open your eyes now” that she realised her eyes were tightly shut. “And you can stop tearing your seat with your nails. Let go”, he said teasingly. Sarah gulped and looked wildly about her. She was petrified of flying – and her fear was compounded by the size of the helicopter. Matt pointed out various landscapes as they flew towards Cape Town. The undulating mountains in the Cape, and the spectacular sky took their breaths away. The clouds were playful and fluffy. It looked as though Mother Nature blew over the top of a cup of steaming hot chocolate to create the most perfect fluffs of cloud amidst a turquoise sky. Some clouds nestled in the troughs of the mountainous range. Some clouds – fat and fluffy - looked as if they collided with the mountain and could not be bothered to raise and shift their lazy, heavy weight from where they had settled. Sarah was pleasantly surprised at how well Matt handled the helicopter and assuaged her nervousness. Before she knew it, they were landing in Cape Town and made their way to their hotel.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 20:50:40 +0000

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