In loving memory of my father, Henry Clevenson For years I have - TopicsExpress


In loving memory of my father, Henry Clevenson For years I have searched for the words to express the love I feel for my father. So now I share these words with you, in respectful memory of my wonderful Dad. He was a community-minded, involved individual, who saw to it that our home town, Laconia, NH, was a safe haven for children, and athletes of all ages. He was very instrumental in seeing to it that all the available parks there were nicely developed, into baseball diamonds, tennis courts, and basketball courts. He loved to encourage all children, to exceed, to do their best, to achieve all they are capable of. Happy Fathers Day to everyone, and especially my father, Henry Clevenson. To Dad, Poppy, Papa, You Are the first memory I have of feeling loved and protected. I can still remember the care and affection you showered me with When I was very young. It is your smiling face I still see, looking over a crib at me, Lifting me up, and holding me, embracing me to your heart. And from that day on I knew, my Best Friend would always be you, My Stalwart Prince, My Shining Knight true Who would guide and protect me all my life through. You fought back the demons and dragons, And showed me How not to fear, how to easily know What people to trust, and who to avoid, How to be open, and walk unafraid, You sang thru your day, you hummed as you worked, The days passed so quickly and not once did you shirk Your proud duty as father, and husband, and friend, You maintained your constant love From beginning to end. For 83 years you worked and you sweat To give your kids everything they wanted to get, You coached us thru tennis, and bowling, and all Of the sports we might show interest in, picking us up if we did fall. You opened up doors to the world so we’d see That like a Garden of Eden we could roam about, free To choose all the gifts that Life has to give And you taught all of us to live life, and live It all with honor, compassion, and pride, To heal hurt, to not judge and to always abide By your simple philosophy, I will never forget: “I am responsible.” and “All Promises kept.” You were my Straight Arrow, My role model and guide You never once stole, or cheated, or lied. I still can feel you, in the peace of the night, Your humble, strong heart, still beating all right. I still hear your voice, and your heartfelt, warm laughter, Your humming as you worked, and the peaceful rest that came after. My busy bee father, industrious and kind You have gifted me most with a quiet of mind. I sit by the lake where I sat with you, fishing, And I still feel that peace every time, and the wishing. Across the blue water, I see your soft brown eyes, And though you are gone now, your spirit arises From 83 years of memories of love And I feel you look down on me, from blue skies up above. You are a part of my heart, and the smile in my soul And I’ll never forget you or let you go. When fear and nightmares woke me up in the night You read softly to me until it was all right. As long as I visit our beautiful home town I’ll see you everywhere your feet walked the ground. In all of the parks where kids of summer play baseball In all of the courts where kids play at basketball In all of the tennis courts you left behind I will see you, still playing, and laughing, and oh, so kind. Here’s to you, Dad, The Coach Who encouraged all kids, Thank you from our hearts For all that you did.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 14:24:14 +0000

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