In many posts I see parents asking about behaviors that there - TopicsExpress


In many posts I see parents asking about behaviors that there kiddos are doing and they are wondering why. They are stimming. Whats stimming? There are many different kinds of stimming. Stimming is a repetitive body movement or Repetitive movement. Stimming is short for self stimulation. VISUAL STIMMING: dangling strings shaking toys wiggling fingers--in front of or to the side of face---most often in exactly the same spot lining up toys repeatedly stacking toys and knocking them down --excessively spinning wheels on toy cars/trucks pushing toy trucks and cars while tilting head to watch wheels watching out the window at cars driving by staring out window watching dust specks in the air watching ceiling fans staring at dining room lights looking sideways and/or upside down at TV nose on TV flipping pages without looking at pictures flipping toys wall walking opening/shutting drawers and doors spinning bowls spinning toys walking in patterns pacing splashing watching water running sand/beans etc. through hands while watching spinning coins looking at maps with nose about 1 away following roads on map with nose box hopping or lining up chairs, laundry baskets, boxes and storage containers in a path and stepping from one to another rocking: from foot to foot back and forth while sitting side to side while sitting throwing or dropping toys over and over throwing toys over shoulder picking fuzz shredding paper looking out car window with peripheral vision (while giggling) walking down hall with head to one side standing on head on furniture running in circles rewind video while watching it rewind excessive drawing rubbing pencils together watching own reflection in doorknobs, toasters, windows at night, oven door, shiny faucets, tv screen when off, clean cars, blank computer screens and mirrrors holding up small toys (usually characters) in front of TV while video is going perseverating on Thomas the Tank or other train stuff turning head in light patterns made by blinds obsessively pouring a slinky from hand to hand watching a yoyo with peripheral vision over and over multiple cartwheels frequently and excessively head shaking spinning own body or twirling around twirling self under own arm which is against a wall dangling pieces of grass or twigs twirling long hair or braids (girls) in peripheral vision VESTIBULAR STIMMING: spinning rocking swinging TACTILE STIMMING: chewing on insides of cheeks rubbing clothing between fingers biting fingernails chewing fingernails scratching obsessively/to bleeding head banging teeth grinding spitting grabbing someones arm with both hands and squeezing with head against arm rubbing face/hands VERBAL STIMMING or AUDITORY STIMMING: blurting out loud and/or high pitched noises Repetition of odd noises/sounds talking to self-- excessive and nondirective echolalia of phrases, movies, songs........ humming nose humming banging on everything throat sound--compulsive pounding toys or books excessive giggling excessive pretend play electronic games that repeat inappropriate giggling (often a sign that they are stimming) repeating a video scene over and over telling the same story over and over constantly singing reciting alphabet over and over SMELL STIMMING: smelling objects sniffing people TASTE STIMMING: licking objects placing objects in mouth How does your kiddo stim?? sensoryprocessing.yolasite/stimming.php
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 02:47:02 +0000

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