In memory of Robin Williams: Just a few years back, I had a very - TopicsExpress


In memory of Robin Williams: Just a few years back, I had a very memorable exchange with Robin Williams while filling my mountain bikes tires before a ride up the West Side Highway bike path. I was at my bike shop, Toga Bikes, in Tribeca, NYC. Williams lived just just a couple of blocks away in Tribeca and I was living in Battery Park. We were both at the shop at the same time on quite a few occasions and my friend, Joe, sold quite a few bikes to him over the years. Williams was a regular at Toga. He had quite a diverse collection of bicycles and had a vibrant love and passion for cycling and racing. That day, Williams was kind enough to chat with me for a few moments and I will always fondly remember our friendly exchange. He was reserved and soft spoken but also very polite and warm. Last year, my wife and I took my mom to see him perform on Broadway in Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo and he was truly excellent and a delight to watch despite the show unable to truly showcase his entire spectrum of talents. My folks took my brother and me to see him at Lehigh University s Stabler Arena back in the early 80s in An evening with Robin Williams. Despite a number of jokes going straight over my head as I was about 13 at the time, I still distinctly and vividly remember being in stitches the entire time he performed. He was a magical manic ball of fire - phenomenally hilarious. As someone who suffers with bipolar depression and battles it each and every day since my mid teens, and also battled a very dark period after surviving 9/11, I fully appreciate the internal torment he clearly experienced his entire life. It is a incredibly misunderstood and stigmatized condition that only gets attention when someone with the stature of Williams ultimately succumbs to the constant shroud of heaviness and darkness that weighs on people who battle this illness. Williams deducated and gave his life to help make others feel better as he sadly and tragically suffered in lonely internal pain and silence. G-d speed. Robin Williams, YOU will be missed by millions! Millions more will never have the privilege to meet you or see your magical performances live and in- person. I feel blessed to have met you and to have spent time in your presence on a number of epic occasions. Thank you for making this world a better place. Your loss is OUR loss. Prayers to your family and children.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:07:18 +0000

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