In most African societies, it is really a disaster for one to die - TopicsExpress


In most African societies, it is really a disaster for one to die and not get people to mourn him/her. There is no doubt that even in some communities, there are professional mourners. These are people who might not be related to the dead person but either because they have been employed or they pity the bereaved family, they choose to mourn the dead person. At the same time, the spectacle of noisy crowds at funeral grounds is not rear at all. In fact, it is at people’s funerals that others even choose to enjoy their “solooko” because there is abundance of bodies waiting for willing partners. Some of these people could be either part of the funeral or mere onlookers. For these groups of people, their work is of no importance if the dead person continues to remain dead. In fact, their fun is spoilt as soon as the situation changes. The “chinchinga” seller will not like it at all if the corpse decides to get up and scream “I am alive!” I must however say that a lot of mourners usually have genuine concerns for going to mourn with a bereaved family. In fact, custom even demands that. In Mark 9: 18-19, 23-26, Jesus introduces us to a group of flute players and a noisy crowd. They were at the funeral grounds to mourn the death of a certain young girl. What is interesting is that the man whose daughter was dead had the faith to run to Jesus to tell Him that “ My daughter has just died. BUT COME and put your hand on her, and she will live” (Mark 9:18b). In fact, the faith of this man totally amazes me. Permit me to say that what he did made no sense at all. Before you judge me for making this comment let me humbly ask you this question: “If somebody dies what do you do to him or her?” In my opinion, you go and make burial arrangements. Simple! However, this man recognized that with Jesus, “nothing is impossible” and that even dead situations can be resurrected. A single intervention of Jesus is better than the concerns and sympathies of thousand and one people who do not help you to grow in faith in God. This man refused to glory in the sympathies, empathies, wailings, mourning and whatever the noisy crowd offered him. He rather decided to run to Jesus. You may ask me what the people did wrong since they only went there to show their concern. What we need to know is that anybody whose show of concern to us in times of challenges does not lead us to grow in faith in Jesus is not helping us at all. You see, when Jesus got to the house to pray for this dead girl, the flute players and the noisy crowd “laughed at Him” when He said that “The girl is not dead but asleep”. If you have realized, there are some people around you who constantly doubt what God has said concerning your life. They look at your present predicaments and tell you straight away “to forget about this church and God, God thing” They are part of the flute players and noisy crowd you must sack from your life today. Sometimes they try to let you feel that they are concerned but they are rather preventing you from trusting in God. Beloved, enough with the words that the flute players and noisy crowd around us may have for us. Let us run to Jesus and ask for help from Him. Let us cast our burdens unto Him for He cares for us. This is what God has to tell you today “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land (the promised land). I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you” (Genesis 28:15). You may be going through challenges, you may not be good enough, you might be going through turbulent times and it appears all is lost. This is not the time to give up. No matter what the situation is, Jesus has the solution so let us run to Him. Remember, any advice, any assistance, any consolation that causes you to trust in the providence of man instead of God is evil! Go to Jesus for He has the final say. Shalom!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 12:50:36 +0000

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