In most other countries, people are friendlier with strangers and - TopicsExpress


In most other countries, people are friendlier with strangers and do NOT have an paranoid, antisocial ice wall around them like in America. The social atmosphere is much more positive. There isnt this paranoid ice wall around people or the mentality that every stranger is a creep, like there is in the American social environment, which is highly negative. Foreign people are more friendly and relaxed toward strangers. They enjoy meeting new people and do not have a paranoid antisocial ice wall around them. Thus they are easier to meet and befriend. As a result, social life, friendships and dating are healthier and much more natural abroad. See my article about this here. In contrast, the American social environment is inherently negative, antisocial and devoid of social and human connection. People have this antisocial paranoid ice wall around them. They are cold and distant and live in a bubble. Every man is an island, so to speak. People dont talk to strangers unless its business related. They do not even know their neighbors. Social segregation is the norm. You cant meet people unless youre part of an exclusive clique. Thats the social culture in the US. Americans are only open and wild in the movies, but not in real life. Thus Hollywood presents a false image of America to the rest of the world, which deceives many foreigners. Now the thing is, if youve never left America you may assume that being antisocial and paranoid is normal and how people are everywhere. But nothing could be further from the truth. Once you live abroad and realize that people arent like that, only then do you realize that the antisocial culture in America is an aberration. Not all foreign countries are like this though (e.g. Japan and Korea are exceptions), but most are. In other countries, people act more humble and modest, and tend to be more down-to-earth and genuine. When you leave the USA, the first thing you notice is that everyone seems so humble and modest in comparison. Americans act so arrogant and toxic that people in any other country, even Canada and England, seem far more humble and modest in comparison. Foreign social cultures are also more down-to-earth as well, which is Good News because it means you can be yourself in these countries and fit in while having fun. You dont have to act fake and artificial, like a poser, like you do in America. And you dont have to constantly pump yourself with American style confidence or positive thoughts (which is very inauthentic), because foreign social cultures do not try to tear you down like in America. You see, American social culture is very fake and phoney, as anyone whos been there knows. So in order to fit in socially, you have to develop a fake phoney personality yourself. Otherwise, you will not fit in, nor have a good social or dating life. But if you do so, you fragment yourself inside and repress your true self. This imbalance leads to mental disorders and screwed up personalities, which is why you see so many crazy, depressed people with toxic personalities everywhere in America. In other words, you cant really be yourself in America, which is the biggest loss of freedom. So in that sense, America is very UNFREE, psychologically speaking. However, when you are overseas you are LIBERATED from that and set free. In natural authentic foreign cultures, you can be yourself while having fun and developing a good social life. You dont have to act fake or try to be something youre not. Being free to be yourself is the ultimate definition of freedom. As a result, you are integrated inside, which leads to better mental health. Thus you feel naturally confident overseas, rather than broken inside like you are in America, where you have to keep pumping yourself with fake confidence and positive thinking in order to prevent yourself from slipping down into depression or madness. All of this is ignored by the US media which focuses primarily on economic issues, jobs, wars, tragedies, and anything to keep you dumbed down and distracted in a state of fear and paranoia. Big Dating Secret: If you are a single guy who likes quality women, the Good News is that you can easily find attractive single women that are sweet, down-to-earth and genuine in many foreign countries. These foreign women are friendly and have a much more positive attitude toward men. Such women are the NORM overseas, in regions such as Russia, Ukraine, Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia, China, Mexico, etc. You might find this hard to believe, but I swear its true. Its one of those things you have to experience to believe, and once you do, you will kick yourself for not getting out of the US sooner. As we all know, it is virtually impossible to find beautiful women or hot girls in modern America who are down-to-earth and humble. They may have existed in the US long ago, but certainly not today.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:52:51 +0000

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