In my 37 Years of living.... one thing stands out in my brain like - TopicsExpress


In my 37 Years of living.... one thing stands out in my brain like a sore pinky toe...and that is my knowledge about PEOPLE that are so say in a Monogamous Relationships (both men and women) and their CHEATING habits. Its been going on since the beginning of concept of Monogamy(way before we were born). Ive seen people step out of heir unions time and time again... and this has forced me to understand that this whole Monogamy Thing is Honestly NOT for Everyone. The more people understand this fact, the less cheating we will have. Know your Lane... an Open Relationship/Partnership is a Lifestyle CHOICE... Just like being a Gay Man or a Lesbian Woman. This is 2014, and Realistic People are CHOOSING whatever Lifestyle fits their True Character. If you know you crave Variety....then be honest with the people involved. You never know, you may just meet a person who feels the same as you. OPEN YOUR LIMITED MINDSETS!!! People think that just because you have a Partner but you choose NOT to live a monogamous lifestyle...that it means your a BAD Person, your sleeping around allot, your not loyal, or you are unable to have a successful partnership with someone. That couldnt be any further from the truth. I know many couples who are in Open Relationships as we speak, and their bond is tighter than most people who are married today! Hell I know more people who Claim they are monogamous...yet they cheat like its going out of style. My thing is... if you are NOT honest with yourself... how can you be honest with a potential mate. Choose the Lifestyle that fits you.. #OnlyYourGodCanJudgeYOU *throws down mic... exits stage Randy Watson style* LOL
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:36:11 +0000

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