In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I - TopicsExpress


In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? … I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:2,6 When people hope for heaven some people Hope for Universalism. They do not see Jesus as THE way but as A way. Sadly, some people, even some that identify themselves as Christians, harbor a false Hope or dream that someday, and somehow everyone will go to heaven at the end of life. Unfortunately, the bible does NOT teach us that. And still there are folks that want to believe that God is just going to scoop up everybody together like one big fish net and all of God creatures (the good, the bad and ugly) will be there,. They hope against hope that God has been lying, the bible was wrong, and you will find that people that were both believers and unbelievers, committed or uncommitted in heaven. In their dreams Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist and Baptists (or whatever) will miraculously be herded in to one big place called heaven. Universalists reason that God is too loving to send anyone into eternity lost and without hope. Yes it is true that God is a loving God, but he is a holy God first. God does NOT wait until we die and then tell us that what he said about the necessity of faith in Christ as our only hope of salvation was just a big fairy tale like My Little Pony or the Smurfs. Go back and look at Michelangelo’s the picture on the ceiling of the Cysteine chapel in Rome. He got it right. God is not a grey headed old grandfather winking at sin. He judges unbelief as sin. He will not let rebellious and sinful people into share His glory. Some folks Hope that they can somehow Earn their way to heaven. Some people reason that If I do everything my priest or church or my mind or my conscience tells me to do I can go to heaven. “I am the master of my fate, and the captain of my soul. My good works will me a place in the next world. (Hello reincarnation!) If we could earn our way to heaven through either our church membership or good deeds, or even consensus ethics then Jesus would not have to have to die in the first place. How could a just God send His only son to Calvary if eternal life could be purchased another way? Sometimes we will see people pushing a grocery store shopping cart around the streets and sidewalks with virtually all of their worldly goods inside. That is what they want to take with them to their home. As much as we should have compassion for them, in heaven that basket is still empty. But the Bible says that they are “homeless” and “without hope”. But others rest on the Promises of God because they can remember a time and a place when He they responded to the call of God on their lives, and said “yes” to His plan for their lives. In Ephesians 1 Paul calls these people “the elect of God” and were chosen in Him from the foundation of the world. I am glad that you may have been a child and responded when you heard the good news, but have you lived a life that has been committed by faith to Him alone?
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 20:23:36 +0000

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