In my Gratitude Journal Today: TYG Most High Reverent God!! - TopicsExpress


In my Gratitude Journal Today: TYG Most High Reverent God!! Thank You for the vision of myself as a beam of Your light streaming from Planet Earth as she turns on her axis and circles the Sun dragging the Moon behind her. Thank You that You transcend time and space and cause and effect thank You for Ray Rice and that as revolting as his action is against the lady in his life he remains a human being who by nature is capable of being Divine and capable of being hellish. Thank You that what is hidden comes to light and can help us all become better human beings as opposed to standing in Judgement. Thank You for the words of the Atlanta Hawks part owner who said lets make (the game ) more of a white experience as our white fans are afraid of the black fans have also come to light begging the question: How many other arenas are there schemes such as this afoot ? Thank You that while there may be others similarly saying. Lets keep the National Parks etc a white experience You are ultimately irrevocably in control and diversity is Your mandate for life. Thank You for this day and every day. I Love You and I am So grateful. Thank You.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:55:15 +0000

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