In my bible study this morning, for the first time in my life, God - TopicsExpress


In my bible study this morning, for the first time in my life, God showed me something very important that I had never understood. I got it that the one thing that a man and woman could get divorced over was unfaithfulness BUT did you know that in Malachi 2:13-16 that God shows us that a man should not deal treacherously with the wife of his youth because He hates divorce, because it’s violent. That tells me that when a person deals with their spouse treacherously that it leads to divorce. So I looked up the word “treacherously”. I looked it up in the Strong’s and in the Dictionary. Treacherously means to betray, be unfaithful, and transgress (which means: to violate a law, moral code etc. offend, or sin), deal deceitfully with – but it also means to betray trust, unreliable, unstable or insecure - as in footing, dangerous; hazardous. Pretty amazing isn’t it? For the first time in my life I understand that dangerous is a form of being unfaithful. A spouse that is unreliable or unstable or dangerous or a hazard to you is the same thing as a person that cheats on you in the physical: UNFAITHFUL. They have broken your trust and they do not have faith. I’ve prayed to understand this for years. Kinda answers the question for those who are faithful to the Lord and stay in harmful relationships because they believe God demands it doesn’t it? Sometimes HE does tell us He’s got a plan and love will overcome but sometimes it’s simply a lack of understanding and knowledge. We must have a relationship with God to understand what He wants of us and reap the benefits of His love and blessings. Spend time with Him in His Word. He will show you. Food for thought. Knowledge is power. God is power. God’s knowledge and wisdom are power. I love you. He loves you more! - Shannon
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 14:50:05 +0000

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