In my current position I have the honor of speaking with many - TopicsExpress


In my current position I have the honor of speaking with many photographers around the world, many of whom I get to have lengthy conversations with; over the past few weeks there is a general gripe from photographers about no one wanting to pay them for their work. It is been brought up so many times by various photographers that I felt compelled to say something. Photographers are no different then going to your dentist, doctor, mechanic etc - they provide you with a service and you PAY them for that service. Models, having great images in your portfolio is an investment in your career it is how you obtain jobs, it is nice when you get TFP but it should not be a continued expectation. Modeling agencies, dont want to pay photographers because they want the next TOM, DICK and HARRY to continuously test their models for free of course. Designers, you want your line shot to best reflect the quality of your garments in hopes of attracting customers so that you can ultimately make an income - pay the photographer who delivers that quality to you. Why do you all think that photographers should work for free ? Forget the cost of equipment etc as thats not relevant but THEY are your tool for furthering YOUR career or business - PAY THEM. Stop looking for FREE photographers because those images taken will most likely reflect is no wonder many of them have jobs. Stop expecting FREE and start paying - when was the last time your dentist, doctor, mechanic did work for free ?!?!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:13:42 +0000

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