In my dream walk, near the end of the night, I strolled an - TopicsExpress


In my dream walk, near the end of the night, I strolled an enchanted forest through its dim light. I came upon quite a strange door, one I vaguely remember having seen before. There were no walls that formed its sides, simply the forest spreading wide...the door standing mid-stride. And through the open door I could see, a stairway leading into a vague mystery. Tiny lights were dancing in the air, while the mist from the forest spread across the stairs. The air began to waver as a familiar figure took form, an essence I had come to know. The Wise Woman of the Elves wore a familiar expression, there stood dear Bell! She whispered to me so soft and low, a gentle summoning: Greetings my dear, hello, hello. Do pardon me for stepping into your dream. I mean no intrusion, this was simply the best solution to reach out to you at this time. I wish to ask a favor, would you be so kind? Would you join me at the still emerald pool, the one you loved as a child? The border time is almost here, my dear, youd need to arise right now. Then and there the vision vanished, and my dream walk came to an end. I sat straight up in bed, fully awake once again. She hadnt even waited for my reply. I guess she knew Id accept, to sit at the side of this intriguing Adept. The emerald pool, oh my, its been such a long time. My memories all around its shore were strung out all in a line. I remembered each of those long summer afternoons, just sitting there by myself. In fact, thats where I first met my Muse, where she first introduced herself. I was so little then, it was my secret place to go. Its been ages since Ive thought of it, I wondered, how did Bell know? There was little time to ponder, I began to dress...hoping Id not forgotten the way. Smiling at this lovely invitation to start my day. It was just as Id remembered it, still filled with mystery. And there sat the Crone, beneath one of the trees. Her hand held her cigarette, smoke drifting on the breeze. A smile danced in her eyes, the lines of her aging face were hinting of her surprise. Beneath the floppy brim of her hat, her grey hair was wild and untamed. She was lost in her own reverie, one that to me was unnamed. Her gaze was distant, I could see she was remembering. I know that essence well, the pulling in of the past and then forward to bring. Quietly I took my place at her side, as I did she looked at me. Child let me take you back into a memory. Then she began to waver herself, and I witnessed the magic of this wise old Elf. Child, which image would you choose? Wise Woman or Muse? Her laughter rang through the trees her cackles riding on that breeze. Here shed woven with the glamor of the Elves, revealing to me that my Muse was herself! Bell! I exclaimed. Yes, Child? as she roared her laugh. That is my name. I just shook my head and smiled, So youve been with me since I was a little one? My mind is swimming, what delightful fun! But why didnt you reveal yourself before today? What purpose to this little game youve played? She shrugged her shoulders, Oh I dont know, it seemed easier for you to relate to me somehow. You know, someone closer to your age back then, and so thats how the game began. Now that youre a Crone like me it seemed time to end the mystery. Havent you wondered why Echo, Adalayne and I along with our sister, Bliss, have such familiar essences? We all played with you when you were young, danced in the forest under Grandfather Sun. Remember? Oh yes, yes I do! That was the four of you? Oh how wonderful it is to know, I wish I had known this from the get-go. But its good, oh so good and it does explain the essence I felt when I first heard all your names. The feeling I get now is the same. She hugged me warmly and then said, Lets be on our way. We have much to accomplish today. The Wizard is waiting, my brothers been debating...with the Elder Elves. It seems they have ideas of their own for the Wheels turning, things theyve devised themselves. This all naturally pertains to the changing of the guard, when Darkness and Light meet. However that may take place, it will keep them steady on their feet. We Elves do love our drama, and my brother, well he prefers less of that. Its always fun to see what they keep under their hats. He holds the drama in his mind where they like to act it out. Listen, their conversation is growing comically intense, can you hear them shout? I nodded and laughed. Yes, indeed I do. Its a good thing its a friendly debate and no one will lose, at least it will end on good terms, my dear Muse! Then she shifted her image back to Bell again and said: Let us be on our way, our friends will be joining us soon. Already the forest creatures are stirring, and I can hear the distant snorts of the Dragons too. The sentries have been posted, the gathering place noted, with several different choices, each an interesting path to take. Our friends are going to be treated to some Elfin magic along their way. Each of them will have a visitor and a truth for them displayed. Just as youve received this morning, the visions come with no warnings, just lots of love to enfold. A memory from the deep past whose time has come to be retold. I think theyll be delighted, after all it is good news. Time they, too, are reminded of who truly is their Muse. So off we went to join the others. Swift passage we did make. And now in good company for all of you well wait. Im anxious to share this story and to hear the tales that you will tell. I just love these types of surprises and am sure you will as well. Oh my the Dragons are scrounging all about the edges of the grove. The Wizard is digging in his pockets for a treat he might have luck there, its already been devoured, I hope you remember to bring something sweet. That tooth of his is throbbing again, and a distant look in his eye does gleam...hes lost in the fantasy of what you may bring. See you when you get here!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 16:58:56 +0000

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