In my early 20s I had a life-changing experience which allowed me - TopicsExpress


In my early 20s I had a life-changing experience which allowed me to see the world differently. After a long day of working construction I opened to the first pages of a book that was on my shelf, “The Artist’s Way” by “Julia Cameron.” It was one of the very first opening lines in this book that stopped my life in my tracks. As I read, there was a passage that stood out and it said, “Quote” ~“We all have been made in the face of our creator, and just as god created the universe, we too are the creators within our lives. That moment, I almost fell out of bed. I had a moment of higher awareness. It was a moment otherwise known by the Japanese culture as a Satori. A Satori is an instant awakening. This was the first time that I had ever heard anything like this before. At the time, I had a dream to someday become a “rock star” but at the time, I was only exposing myself to personal development. It was that moment that I realized that there were missing elements. I realized that there were also universal understandings that needed to be fully understood in order to live a prosperous, happy and successful life. When I was a child, I used to hear my mother complain about life 24 hours a day. I would hear her say things like, “life is hard,””money is hard,””life is horrible,” “relationships are no good,” “marriage is a death-wish,” “ don’t ever trust anyone,” so on and so forth. Our subconscious beliefs about the world are normally passed down to us and as you could imagine, I thought that events and circumstances in life were merely just the luck of the draw. This was my subconscious belief system that was installed from that limited influence within my childhood. These beliefs supported specific ways of interpreting my world. This interpretations supported a particular behavior and intention. This behavior and intention created very limited results. These results further reinforced a limited belief system. It was a vicious cycle. A cycle that most people never understand or ever even identify. ~ I believe everything happens for a reason. At the time I was “searching” and The Artists Way book was sent to me by a greater power. As I approached the end of the last sentence [almost as if on cue] the light above my head shut off. (I used an old construction light to read every night and feed my mind.) As I searched in the dark for the light switch, I found that the electricity to my apartment was shut down. I was cold (my apartment had electric heat) and I dressed in winter jackets for the night. I thought about those sentences in that book the entire night. It was during these hours that I realized that it was “me who was responsible” for the situation I was in, not my childhood or the stepfathers that ruined my childhood. At this time, my “subconscious was still programmed for failure and although it was not of my doing, I realized with this new insight that it was my responsibility to fix this. At that moment, I opened my mind to a whole new set of possibilities. Within those hours, I realized that it was the future in which all the potential lied. I realized that the future is ALWAYS a “clean slate” and we as human beings have been given a great gift here. The gift of life. I am here to encourage you that your future is also always a clean slate. I am sure that there are difficult circumstances in your life that were not of your doing. I am sure that there are people in your life who have done you wrong. I am sure that there are situations in your life that are totally unfair and negatively effect you. I realize that you feel that these situations should never have happened the way that they did. The one thing that I have found through my 20 years of research is that regardless of any unfair situation, circumstance or wrong doing, WE as forward moving and effective individuals must take responsibility for fixing it. And this is what separates the winners from the losers. This is exactly what separates those people who go their entire lifetime bitter, unhappy, disappointed, miserable, shut down, toxic and held back from the people who tap into their greatest potentials, live their dreams, serve the greater good and make their life a masterpiece. Truth is, we cannot always control the wind but we can control our sails. There will be many people, situations and circumstances along the road that will test you. ESPECIALLY if you are out there pushing the envelope and reaching for a dream! This is inevitable. When we see an “outer persona” of a person who seems to “have it all,” just know that these people also go through the very same challenges that everyone else does, this is life! The only difference is, these people, “whether it be on purpose or by default” have been able to take responsibility for these difficult situations and circumstances regardless of whether or not it was of their doing. They simply keep moving forward and instead of complaining, “which would render them ineffective,” they go about fixing the situation. You simply do not hear about their problems because they do not wallow in them. They have taken control of the situation so there is no need to complain. The past is not the same as the future my friend, unless YOU allow it to be so. The past is merely something we must learn from in order to make better decisions for the future. This idea that we can shape and form our own world to me was astounding! It struck a chord in me and I intuitively knew that these words were the truth. That cold winter night in my tiny apartment I realized it was MY RESPONSIBILITY to create my future and DESIGN it to my likening and NO ONE ELSE’S. I started to employ the very principals I share with you here and I started to activate The Dynamic Laws of Attraction. Have a great day today. I hope that I can say things here to help people reinitiate that power that we all have slumbering deep inside of us. The power to create, the power to dream and the power to believe that we were all put here for a very special reason. Please take consideration of what I am saying to you here. Thank You Sincerely, Bradley Lenart
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 11:52:00 +0000

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