In my experience true love isnt a fairytale. I say throw away your - TopicsExpress


In my experience true love isnt a fairytale. I say throw away your Mr Perfect list and call in Mr Real. Because, like everything else in life, your relationship is going to serve as a mirror to you and your significant other will trigger in you every hidden insecurity, shadow story, and fear, and THAT, in my opinion, is the gift of true love. Because it causes you to face your shit, own it, integrate it, and become more of who you really are. My husband has been the biggest gift in my life and I am beyond grateful for him but contrary to how it might appear its not all been a stroll in the park. And thank God for that because its been real. Weve been through some tough shit together. Weve struggled. Weve played out shadow aspects of ourselves, weve projected, weve blamed. Can two teenagers really fall in love and live happily ever after? Probably not - life isnt a bloody 80s romcom - but they can live messily ever after. And thats so much better. There are many times we could have taken the easy option and walked away from each other, but we didnt, and we wont. Why? Because we love each other. Truly, madly, deeply. We know, have always known, that beneath the stories we are two souls sharing a journey and we are committed to each other. And let me tell you - messy beats perfect hands down. With every struggle, every challenge, every tear, every misunderstanding, we have stood in the flames together and allowed more of the falsity to burn away as our true selves have emerged even more from within. Together. When one of us forgets the truth of who we are, we remind each other. When one of us gets caught up in a bullshit illusion story, we gently wait it out. We grow apart and we grow together. Our relationship has grown into something so much better than a fairytale. My man is my hero. My Mr Imperfect is my Mr Perfect.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 07:21:51 +0000

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