In my eyes this a Video goes to Create Life Principles using - TopicsExpress


In my eyes this a Video goes to Create Life Principles using Extremes Cases ! We cant ignore the technology ! The Secret its somewhere in the middle so .. We dont make rules or Principles in Extremes Examples ! The technology can be used In a Wise way .. A lots to learn from what today the Web and Internet offering ! Its a question of Choice , a Question of a Desire to learn more through reading and educate in different areas of Life !! The use of Technology doesnt exclude the Real Life .. Its like we gona say I read a Book and I am not present or I am watching movies on TV ! If You hâve an area of interest other then your Own Life Routine .. Then using the Internet with a Specific purpose of Educate and learn more .. Its different ! All depends how and what the purpose its for Using all what the High Technology offer to us !!! Many using without purpose and missing - yes - the Life Around .. Mean time others are in need of Educate themselves so .. May have to use it all the advantages the New Technologies offered to them for Free !!! We cant Generalize like that ! Internet facilitating the Learning and Education without Papers Books in case we need to extend our Knowledge and of Course IT IS a NEED of ALL !! Its à need to educate the Young générations about à propre use of Internet .. This is it .. Yes a need !!! Through internet they can learn lots of interesting things related to Science , News , Medical Reports , History so ... They can take courses .. Read Books without paying for .. All about what each one look for and this is NOT the FAULT of INTERNET !! Its as the Democracy and Freedom so ... Depends on each one understanding of !!! Its not the Media Fault when you adopt all what you see it ... Its a LACK of KNOWLEDGE ...
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 01:48:29 +0000

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